Monday, January 30, 2012

1/30/12 - How will I do?

Julian fell asleep....He is so peacefully sleeping :) Yay to myself!!
Wait....How will I move him to bed without waking him up?!!...that's a big problem here....



Stylish Bib is of couse from Japan

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1/30/12 - Julian's chasing Ringo

Julian has been very talkative....only we don't know what he is saying yet :) Tonight, Julian was happily making the high pitch noise and chasing Ringo. Ringo was very patient and played with Julian. Thanks Ringo!

ジュリアンは最近とってもおしゃべりです.....ただ、何を言ってるのかはまだ意味不明ですが :) 今夜ジュリアンはとってもご機嫌さんで、かん高い奇声を上げてジュリアンを追いかけまわります。リンゴはとっても我慢強くジュリアンの相手をしてくれました。ありがとねリンゴ!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

1/28/12 - Julian's Sleeping in Mommy's Arms

Daddy is at band practice tonight. So, it is Juju & Mommy's date night tonight :) We played together, shared yogurt and banana, and Julian fell asleep in Mommy's arms.
Feels like it was just yesterday that he was colic little baby who cried all the time and we had to hold him all day .... Julian still wants Mommy to hold him, but as he practiced a lot, now Julian can sleep on his own without Mommy rocks him.
But tonight is exception....Mommy wants keep Juju in her arms little longer ....
Yeah, it's OK that he is still only 9 month :)

ダディーはバンドの練習なので、今晩は ジュリアンとマミー2人でお留守番。(リンゴも)マミーとジュジュは、いっぱい一緒に遊んで、ディナーはジュリアンの大好物のバナナとヨーグルト。そして、ジュジュは、マミーに抱っこされてねんねです。
でも、今日は特別! まだまだマミーは、ジュジュをなが〜く抱っこしていたいんです。 なんてったて、まだ9ヶ月だもん。たまにはいいよねぇ〜!!

Julian's sleeping in Mommy's arms
Nighty night :)

1/28/12 - Julian Riding on Daddy's Shoulder

Julian's favorite: Noodle, banana, ice cream, Bubu (Julian's little leopard blanket), mum mum (rice snack), playing piano, riding on Daddy's shoulder..... And of course, Mommy! Today, Julian got all his favorite things :)

Juju played piano with Dada at Guitar Center today!

Juju shared Shio-Ramen with Mommy

Riding Daddy's shoulder! Yay!

Grocery Shopping with Daddy & Mommy

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1/28/12 - Julian likes piano

Julian likes his baby piano that he got from Mommy and Daddy at Christmas.

Julian's playing his baby piano

How about big one?

Julian's first touching real piano

Julian at Guiter Center with Daddy

Big piano is more fun!

Juju & Dada's Duo piano Session

Daddy's teaching Juju how to play piano

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Friday, January 27, 2012

12/27/12 - Julian&'s Happy Bath Time

Julian likes taking bath. He takes bath with Mommy almost everyday. Mommy washes Juju, and pass him to Daddy. Then Daddy drys him and put diaper and  pajama on him. Team work!

ジュリアンは、お風呂が大好き。ジュジュは、ほとんど毎晩マミーとお風呂に入ります。マミーに洗ってもらって、ダディーに拭いもらって、オムツとパジャマを装着しもらって終了! ダディーとマミーのチームワークです!
Juju playing with Ducky
Hi, Dada!
Cute :)

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1/27/12 - Julian's Big Boy Outfit

Mommy likes Julian wearing onesie because he is very cute and still looks like a little baby in onesies. Today, Mommy put plaid shirt and jeans on him, and he looks like a big boy now!He is growing so fast!!

Julian's big boy style

Juju playing with Sesame Street Radio

Crawling Julian still looks like a baby

Smile Juju~

He looks like a big boy in this outfit

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1/26/12 - After a busy day

After a busy day, seeing Julian at home makes me so happy. He gives me a big hug and follows me everywhere. He is so cute :)
Also, I love watching he is sleeping that makes me feel so peaceful :)

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

1/25/12 - Right Before the Incident

After diaper change, Julian didn't want to put his pants back on again :(
He escaped from Mommy, and got a juice box from kitchen island. He was happily playing with it.

He was playing with a juice box without wearing pants


This is right before the incident

Juju chewed corner of box and maybe a plastic wrap of straw attached on the juice box.  Then he accidentally swallowed a tiny piece of the plastic wrap and choked on it !!! It was pretty scary. Luckily he was OK!


1/25/12 - Julian's New Outfit

Mommy and Chi-chan enjoyed shopping for Julian in Japan. They got some new Japanese outfit for Juju. All Japanese stuff was really cute. Mommy wished she could buy more :(

Julian's Japanese funky new outfit

Pair T for Daddy & Juju & やんちゃ坊主T

Chi-chan bought this one for Juju. So cute!

Julian wearing new outfit and going out for a breakfast
Julian's today's outfit (6o6)v

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Saturday, January 21, 2012

1/21/12 - Oh No~!!

Everything is toy for Juju. Even though he has many toys, Julian likes to touch and play with something new everyday, especially something he should not touch.....

No Juju! Those are Daddy's shoes.

That's not toy!

Listen to Mommy, Julian!

OK Juju, Leave it!

HO NO~!!

Julian~!!!!! NOOOOO~!!!!

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1/21/12 - Julian still loves his bouncer

For the first couple month he didn't want to sleep in his crib, and he only slept in the bouncer.
He is almost 9 month now. He can sleep in the crib but still likes his bouncer, and wants to try it out once a while.

Juju can barely fit in the bouncer now

Julian was this small :)
Now Juju is bigger than Ringo!

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

1/18/12 - Juju moves so fast

Now Juju is very active and moves so fast, it is so difficult to take his good pictures.

Another unfocused picture :(

A picture without face :(

"Juju~ Look at Mommy~!! :( "

OK! I got you! :)

Ringo and Juju are non-stop chasing. This time, Rino got Juju :)

* Ringo was not seriously biting Juju
Juju didn't let me wipe his face after his dinner :(

"Mommy, I don't want to clean my face! I'm busy playing!"

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Monday, January 9, 2012

12/26/11~1/9/12 Julian & Great Grandma

Mommy goes back to Japan for every New Year since her Grandpa passed away. Mommy cares about her Grandma (Oba-chan) so much and she doesn't want her to be alone especially at New Year. Mommy took Julian to Japan with her this year to celebrated Julian's first New Year with his Great Grandma/ (Hi)Oba-Chan. Julian & Mommy stayed at Oba-Chan's place. Oba-chan was very happy to meet Julian. Julian had lots of good time with her. 91 years old Oba-chan was worried if she could have strength to hold him at first, but she got much power from Juju! She held Juju all the time, and even carried him around in her place!! Oba-chan cooked lots of yummy food for Mommy and Juju. We enjoyed staying with Oba-chan!! Oba-chan, we will come back to see you soon again!!

12/27/11 Juju & Great Grandma
Juju & Oba-chan & Monkey

Julian's ckecking Oba-chan's Mag

Julian fell asleep in Oba-chan's arms

Juju is very sleepy because of jet lag

Juju and Oba-chan are watching outside through window

Oba-chan was teaching Juju clapping hands

Oba-chan wanted  to show Julian sparrows come to her balcony. 
So, she put rice there and waited to sparrows to come. 
But pigeons came to eat rice instead of sparrows, and 
Julian enjoyed watching them with Oba-chan.

Juju and Oba-chan watching Pigeons

 Juju is excited watching pigeons

Oba-chan's feeding Julian

Oba-chan's rice porridge with sweet potato & carrot for Juju

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