Saturday, March 31, 2012

3/31/12 - Juju and Ringo

Julian and Ringo are best buddies. Juju likes playing with Ringo, and Ringo has learned playing nicely with Juju. Well, they still need Mommy's supervision to ensure no rough plays, but they are getting better.
It's fun to look at Juju and Ringo playing together :)

Let me see.....What will we play together today?

Look, Ringo!
Juju can point at things he is interested

Julian likes petting Ringo. Ringo?......Not so much :)

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Friday, March 30, 2012

3/30/12 - Julian's 1st Step

Julian showed me his 1st step at his11month and 1 week.
I was so lucky to capture he's first walking moment into a video!!
Actually, I was trying to capture that Julian was standing by himself. Julian started standing on his own a few weeks ago, and I have been trying to capture that into video. But it has been so hard to do that since he can stay standing only for a few seconds. Usually when I grabbed the camera, he was already sitting on floor :(
Today I was very lucky that I could successfully captured not only Julian was standing, but also got his 1st step into the video!! Yaaaaay!! Good job Juju!

数週間前から、つかまり立ちしなくても自分でたてるようになって来たジュジュ。その瞬間をビデオにおさめようと頑張るものの、なかなかタイミングが合わず、カメラを準備している間にジュジュは既にぺったり床に座っている!って状況が続いていました。今日は、タイミングよくIphoneを手にしていたマミーの前でジュリアンが立ち上がったところをビデオに撮ろうと思ったら、なんとヨチヨチ歩き始めた?!! すごいぞジュジュ!!イェ〜イ!!

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

3/27/12 - Juju likes to bite

Julian likes to bite! He bites Mommy everywhere, but he doesn't do that to Dada :( I don't know why he does that, but it's hurt!!!


It's hurt!!

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Sunday, March 25, 2012

3/25/12 - Julian loves playing with Mac

Julian loves playing with my computer so much. He is repeatedly punching my computer :) I am afraid if I will have to get a new computer soon....

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Saturday, March 17, 2012

3/17/12 - Juju was thirsty

昨晩もジュジュは鼻垂れまくって、咳が出て、夜中に何回も起きて泣きました。だって喉かわくねんって感じでしょうか…(T . T)
でも、3時に起きた時はマミーも疲れ果てて… 気がついたらジュジュは仕方なく枕元のジュース自分で飲んでたよ(^◇^;)

抱っこもヨイヨイヨイもネンネンネンも無しだよ :(( ̄ー ̄) ってジュジュは思っていたかもね。
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Thursday, March 15, 2012

3/15/12 - Juju has a cold

Julian has a cold. He is very uncomfortable because of his coughing and sneezing. He wakes up and cries when he coughs and can't go back to sleep. It's 1:00am right now, and he is playing on futon :( At least he is not crying....

風邪には吸入器がよいと聞いたのですが、持ってないので仕方なく、インスタント スチーム効果って事でお風呂にいれてみました。つかれないように、短めに。湯冷めしないように気つけて。
お陰で早寝くんだったジュジュ(^-^)/ 偉いぞ!

が、しかし…今は夜中の1時過ぎ…起きて元気に遊び出したジュジュ…なんでやね~ん!!(T . T)

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

3/14/12 - Noodle Hurricane

Julian has a cold, and has no appetite. So, he fought with noodles instead of eating?!
Looks like Juju was attacked by Hurricane Noodle Σ(・□・;)

風邪を引いて食欲のないジュリアン。ヌードルを食べる代わりに振り回して大騒ぎ!! まるでハリケーンに襲われたかのようです( ̄ー ̄)

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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

3/13/12 - Juju has cold (T . T)

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Saturday, March 10, 2012

3/10/12 - Julian has 8 teeth

Julian was well sleeping ..... "It is a chance right now!" 
to take Julian's teeth picture!!!


Shhhhh....Julian is sleeping o( _ _ )o...zzzzzZZ

4 teeth at bottom

4 teeth at top
Yes, Juju is still sleeping :)

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3/10/12 - Julian's favorite toys

Julian likes playing cooking utensils in kitchen when Mommy is cooking ever since Daddy introduced the kitchen cabinet to him. Juju knows where he can find his favorite toys such as pans, utensils, and tapper wears. Today he found a big BBQ tong and big pan and had so much fun with it :(

This is much better than baby toys!



Oh No! Mommy!!
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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

3/7/12 - Julian says Dada

Julian's 1st word is Dada?! He has been saying "DaDaDaDa..." so many different ways. He says "Dadada..." to anything and all the time. But recently he seems understanding who is Dada that Julian looks at Shawn, then says "DADA!" Yay!! ヽ(^◇^)/ Dady is very happy about this!
Julian also says "NenNenNen" when he is sleepy. "NenNenNen" comes from Japanese lullaby which Mommy sings when she rocks him sleep. So, when Julian gets sleepy, he says NenNenNen ヽ( ´O`)ゞ
But...... he hasn't said "Mommy" yet (  ̄っ ̄)

ジュリアンの、初めての言葉は「ダダ」かもしれません。かも?って思うのは、ジュリアンはご機嫌な時は「だだだだ〜」と、言い続けているので、特にダダ=ダディーという訳ではなかったようなのですが...... 最近は、ダダ=ショーンの法則を理解しつつあるようで、ショーンを見て、ダダ!っと言ってる気がするのです。ショーンはこの事実にとってもご満悦です!ヽ(^◇^)/ 
しかし、なぜか、「マミー」という気配は、全くありません(  ̄っ ̄)ぷんぷん

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Sunday, March 4, 2012

3/4/12 - Julian's First Zoo

Julian went to Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo with Mommy & Daddy. It was a beautiful Sunday with gorgeous weather! Julian loved hands-on exhibits and toddler play area. Also, he enjoyed watching animals at zoo area!

Julian's touching a big snake
Watch Out Juju!! Snake gonna eat you!
Dada is helping Juju to touch bigger snake!!
Having a fun at baby play area
Juju inside a cocoon
It is fun to touch and play new toy!
Tunnel for cruisers
Juju liked science exhibition of "wind"
I want to see....What is that?
Juju & bobcat staring at each other
Juju is interested in other kids rather than animals
Trying to ride bobcat
I like this!


Swing with Mommy
Dada, Can I eat grass?
Juju & Mommy
Dada, Can we come here again?

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3/4/12 - Julian's curly hair in a morning

Sleepy Julian's hair was standing up and
curling the wrong way when he got up in a Sunday morning.
寝癖爆発 Juju
Juju's still "Sleepy Face" :)

Mommy opened curtains.....Julian is looking still little sleepy,
but curious about the sun light through the wndow.

His discovery starts soon enough...
Let me see....what is here....

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