Julian has a bad jet lag since we were back from Japan on Sunday 19th. Julian gets pretty grumpy.
Juju has been waking up at 2:00am and cries because of the jet lag. He can't tell Mommy what he wants yet. So, he cries. Mommy tries her best to guess what he is crying for, but if that's not he wants, Juju gets really mad and cries which is more likely screaming!!
Tonight when he woke up and got fussy at 2:00am again....... Mommy told Juju to show her what he wants. Then, Juju brought Mommy to kitchen (Good job, Juju!). So, Mommy thought he wanted juice or formula!!.... but she was wrong! and Juju got really mad when he saw a sippycup of juice or a bottle of formula. So, she put both the juice and formula in the refrigerator, and closed the door. Then Juju screamed more. Seemed like Juju had something he wanted in the refrigerator. Mommy opened the door again, and asked Juju what he wants. Juju pointed the small pot of tofu soup..... "Really?! Tofu?!! That's you want?!!"
Juju couldn't wait Mommy serving the tofu to a bowl, and he ate lots of tofu soup without even warm it up :) Juju was so happy that eating tofu and dancing at the same time! He pointed the bottle of formula after that.
It is 4:00 am right now. After drinking the bottle of formula, Juju is happily fell sleep by his own. Prince Julian's order is completed. Mommy's finally finishing her long day!
Nighty night :)
Juju eating tofu & dancing at the same time at 2:30am |
最近ジュジュは時差ぼけでご機嫌が悪いんです。一体なんで泣いているのかマミーの予想がはずれるとスッゴイ勢いで号泣して怒ります。日曜日に日本から帰ってきて以来 (只今既に木曜日)、毎夜中2時に起きては、泣くんですが、ご機嫌をなおしてもう一度寝かしつけるのに朝方までかかります。
今日もきっかり午前2時目を覚ましてぐずるジュジュ。 なにが欲しいのか聞いて見るとマミーの手をひいてキッチンまで連れて行きます。(えらいぞジュジュ!)ジュース?フォーミュラ? と思ってせっかく用意したのに、どっちも違ったようで、怪獣王子ジュジュは、超ご立腹! 口から火を吹く勢いで号泣しはじめます。
Yesterday morning: Juju was really mad at Mommy that what he wasted was not juice |
Crying like.....What I want is not the juice! |
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