Tuesday, July 30, 2013

7/30/13 - Yay! Juju peed at bathroom for 1st time

Juju finally did it!! He woke Mommy up at 6:30am this morning by saying "Mommy, Be-Be! Mommy, Be-Be!" Really? Are you sure? Anyway, Mommy brought him to bathroom, and let him sit on toilet.... But Juju pointed at his training toilet seat and said "No Mama! Be-Be!" .... He wanted to use his own seat :) Then after sitting on the training seat for about a minute.... Yes! He did it!! Mommy heard water sound, and saw a big smile on his face :) Yay! You Did It!! Good Job, Juju!!
Sleepy face at bathroom

Yay! Juju! You did it! High Five!!
Of course, he knows how to flash toilet :)

Monday, July 29, 2013

7/29/13 - Juju didn't cry at Japanese Art Class!

A Good News!!! Juju went to Japanese Art Class without crying this morning!! Juju has been getting used to the Japanese Class and less crying every week, and finally he did it!!

This morning, Juju said "Go!" and pointed at the Art Class as soon as Mommy parked car at parking lot. He was very excited to see his Japanese teacher and led Mommy to the class room without holding Mommy's hand! Juju said "Hello!" to teachers and walked into class room by himself without crying!!

Hopefully he won't cry at daycare we well very soon....! 

When Mommy was leaving, Juju said "Mama!" with little fussy face a second, but his teacher quickly distracted him by taking off his back pack and told him to put his bag on the shelf.  Juju followed teacher's order and joined the class without crying at all!! Yay! 

今朝、ジュジュは、初めて全く泣かずにJapanese Art Class行きました。大、大、大進歩です!! ジュジュは、Art Classの先生が好きなようで、なぜかディーディーと呼びます。(それって、ちいちゃんのことなじゃないのかい…?)ヽ(´o`;今朝は車を降りる前から、「Go!! Go!! 」と、大張り切りで、マミーと手を繋がずに自分の意思でクラスまでグングン歩いて行きました!! 先生に元気に「Hello〜!!」ってご挨拶して、絶好調!! マミーが帰るときちょっと泣きそうになったけど、先生の指示どうりリュックをおろし、泣かずにクラスに参加出来ました。偉いぞジュジュ!! 本当に毎日少しずつ成長してるんだなぁって実感です。保育園も泣かずに行けるようになるといいね。

Friday, July 26, 2013

7/26/13 - Julian wants to use bathroom

Since Juju started going to daycare, he is interested in using bathroom. 
Every time he wet his diaper, he tells us "Be-Be!" and he wants to sit on toilet.
We haven't formally started his potty training yet, but......
Juju loves sitting at training toilet seat. 
He likes using toilet paper.
He knows how to flush toilet. 
Only he needs to do is letting us know before instead of after peeing :)

Sunday, July 21, 2013

6/30/13 - Julian's 14cm Sokuiku shoes

Today's Julian's outfit: Juju picked them by himself! It's too hot outside.... Let's go home for air conditioner :)
今日のコーディネートはジュジュ自分で選びました。最近は、絶対アンパンマンシューズか、カーズのクロックス以外履かないのになぜか今日は懐かしいの黄色いソクイクを履くとききません。はいるのか?って…14cmソクイク、ピッタリ入りました! マミー常に大っきい目買いすぎみたい(^◇^;)
でも、暑い!84℉(29℃)‼ ジュジュ帰ろう〜!

7/20 - 7/21/13 - Mommy's Happy Birthday Weekend

We went to Sonoma & Napa for Mommy's Birthday Weekend. We ate lots of food, had some nice wine, and had lots of fun at pool and train park :)
Mommy had a massage at spa too! It was a very nice fun weekend!