Friday, November 29, 2013

11/28/13 - Happy Thanksgiving

We had very casual yet a fun Thanksgiving yesterday! 
We went to movie "Frozen" with Papa & Nana. After the movie, Juju played games at Arcade just for a while that one of his favorite things to do :)
But it was very hard to let Juju leave from the game place but with Dada and Papa's men's power, we could successfully did it! Oh well.... Everything must be so hard to manage with 2 year old.....
Anyway, we had a peathful Thanksgiving dinner at home with Papa & Nana. 
We felt thankful and blessed for having a wonderful time with family! 
Happy Thanksging everybody!!

感謝祭のディナーの前にパパ(おじいちゃん)とナナ(おばあちゃん) と一緒に映画に行きました。ジュジュ、映画間にあるゲームセンターに行きたくて、映画の前に泣いてごねました。映画は大丈夫だったけど、映画の後は、速攻ゲームセンターへ… まだまだろくに出来るゲームもないのに、なんか嬉しいらしい… 帰るの嫌がって、また大泣き! たいへんでした〜(−_−;)

Thursday, November 28, 2013

11/27/13 - A day early Thanksgiving celebration at Chuck E Cheese's

We celebrated early Thanksgiving yesterday at Chuck E Cheese's. Haha  Julian loves rides and games there!! But their cheese pizza was not so good...that Shawn & I thought.....but Juju liked it  

We are invited to Black Friday Thanksgiving dinner at Shawn's brother's place with family & friends, we are going to watch Disney movie today! And will celebrate our Thanksgiving with popcorn & hotdog! 
Please know that I usually cook healthy organic home cooked meals, but we decided to make these couple days to be just big fun celebration days! Yay!
Happy Thanksgiving to everybody!!! 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

11/24/13 - Emergency ToysRUs trip

Juju lost his Buzz Lightyear and Woody figure toys yesterday at park. He noticed when he was going to take a bath last night. He was very upset about that, and cried & screamed until finally fell sleep at 1:30AM!! 

Juju started crying for Buzz and Woodie again as soon as he woke up this morning. 

It was an emergency ToysRUs situation! Dada and Mommy took Juju to ToysRUs at the first thing in the morning. We thought that we might be spoiling him by buying new toys as soon as he lost them, but OH WELL! What we can do? Not only Juju needs Buzz and Woody to sleep, but also we (Dada and Mommy) need a good night sleep as well :) 

Yes! Juju knows what he wants!

"This Mama! Open! Open! Please!"

We brought new Buzz, Woody, Jessie, and Gaw (Rex) to park! 

Juju fell asleep while watching Toy Story2 DVD at 6:00pm. Of course still holding Buzz in his hand :)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

11/19/20 - Julian & Woody-Buzz

Juju loves Toy Story so much. 1st word Juju says right after waking up is "Buzz Woddy!"... every morning :)
He creates his own imaginary Toy Story episodes, and plays with Woddy, Bazz Mr Potato Head and other Toy Story figure toys.
Today Woody and Bazz are driving fireengines! 

Monday, November 18, 2013

11/18/13 - Julian's Ice-cream Coma

Juju wanted to go to drive this evening. He said "Mama-car! Mama-car!"
But when we were leaving, Juju said "Bag! Bag!!" and he was very frustrated at Mommy who wasn't sure which bag he was talking about .....Not Anpanman backpack, not blue backpack, not Mickey Mouse bag...?????
Juju got very frustrated and mad at me! He cried and kept saying "Bag Mama! Bag!" Finally he brought my black shoulder bag, pass it to me, and said "BAG!!!"

I guess Juju wanted to make sure I was bringing my wallet with me..... because where he wanted to go was ice-cream place :) Smart kid!

After he got chocolate frozen yogurt, he wanted me to drive around the neighborhood  ... Even we arrived at home once, he didn't want to leave from car seat and said "More Mama! More! Go! Go!.... " So, we drove around the neighborhood again until Juju fell asleep in the car with still holding his ice-cream in his hand.....

結局、私のハンドバッグ持って来て、「ママ、バッグ!」って手渡されました。アイスクリーム屋さんに行きたかったらしく、財布がないとアイスクリーム買えないのちゃんとわかってるんだ! 鋭い2歳児!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

11/17/13 - Movie Date with Juju - Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2

Juju and Mommy had a movie date tonight! Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2! We loved the movie and shared kettle corn :) Juju followed the story all the way through end. He talked to screen and cheered characters! Juju was Mommy's best date to enjoy the movie together! 

After movie ..... Juju wanted playing games :) He run straight to the game area!!! 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

11/11/13 - Grumpy Juju

Juju was very very grumpy last night. Juju cried from 6:00 to 9:00pm nonstop! He didn't want to eat dinner, complained about everything, cried & scream while taking bath, refused to wear pajama, and more cried....
Finally after got Juice from Dada and talking on a phone with Papa, he calmed down a little...... Then Juju cried again for rice: He wanted to eat rice in bedroom. He wanted Mommy to close the door, and turn the light off. "Mama, Door! Door! Light Down! ダメ! No!! No!!" Anyhow, Juju ate a bowl of rice in completely dark room. Finally he got satisfied for the night, and fell asleep..... Yes, Juju is definitely marching straight down the terrible twos road !!! 

すっごくご機嫌が悪かったジュジュ。昨夜は、ママが帰って来た6時ごろから、オンブ、抱っこ、ダメ、No〜! と、とにかく泣いて叫んで収集がつきません。夕食も拒否。大好きなお風呂でも泣きっぽなし。お風呂の後は、パジャマ&靴下が嫌でまた大泣き。泣き疲れて、ダダにジュース貰って、パパ(グランパ)と電話で話したら、チョット落ち着いて、お腹がすいたらしい。歯磨きももうすんで、後は寝るだけだったのに、「ごんがん(ごはん) Mama! ごんがん! Door! Door! Light Down! ダメ! NO〜!」「ママ ごはん!電気つけちゃダメ!ドア閉めて!)」と注文いっぱい…結局、真っ暗な部屋のベッドの上でごはん食べて、コックリ寝ました… 魔の2歳児恐るべし!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

11/6/13 - Julian's Lunch Bento

Juluan's new vocabulary is meatball! He learned the word from his favorite Disney book "Lady and The Tramp". So, today's Juju's lunch is spaghetti meatballs!