Monday, January 27, 2014

1/27/14 - When Juju taking off his shirt

When Juju takes off his shirt, he holds his breath which is very cute :)

ジュジュはシャツを脱ぐ時、「マミー、ヘルプ〜」って来て、「アッ!ップ!」って息を止めます。息止めなくていいんだけど… (^◇^;)

"Mommy, Help! (to take off my shirt)"
Juju, You know you don't have to hold your breath :)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

1/22/14 - Ice-pack

Juju dropped Buzz Lightyear toy and said "Buzz Aww-ee. I-pack (ice-pack) I-pack!" Then he put ice-pack to his Buzz Lightyear toy :) hah

ジュジュはどっかにぶつけてはすぐ「アウイー!アイパック!アイパック!」と言ってアイスパックをせがみます。うっかりバズライトイヤーの人形をお落としちゃったジュジュ…「バズ アウイー!アイパック!アイパック!」と言って、バズ人形もアイスパックで冷やしてました…(^◇^;)

Friday, January 10, 2014

1/5/14 - Harvest Hill

We went to Harvest Hill. Juju was taking a nap in the car, and still sleepy and little grumpy at first. But Juju really liked the Go-Kart and got happy after that :)

Grumpy Juju

Grumpy Juju crying for "dakko" (Juju wanted Mommy to carry him)

The Car ride made Juju little happier

julian's 1st Go-Kart. Juju was very excited!

Bye Bye Mama~!
1 circuit: 850m

Juju still likes Anpanman ride

Dinner with Haru-chan

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

1/7/14 - Osaka Museum of Natural History

Juju and Mommy went to Osaka Museum of Natural History in Nagai Park today. 

There is a playground in front of the museum, and Juju loves playing there. As Juju didn't want to leave the playground, Mommy thought we might not reach to the museum today :) Anyhow, Mommy successfully forced Juju to leave the playground. We had a good time at the History Museum too!


Juju loves this red swing a lot :)  "Mama, More! Push! Push!"

Osaka Museum of Natural History

After the museum, Juju played at playground again. Then, we had a dinner at Dennys!
Juju picked his order from the menu.
 Julian's Kid's udon noodle and Mommy's Beef Stew Dinner

Juju fell asleep while eaing ice cream

Monday, January 6, 2014

1/6/14 - Nagai Park & 竹葉亭 Unagi Dinner

We went to Nagai Park with Jiji and Baba today. Juju played a lot with Jiji at playground.
We had Unagi dinner at Chikuyo-tei (竹葉亭) again. It was very delicious!


Juju made Jiji to sit next him

Juju loves this big slide

Juju likes Unagi Donburi, and ate a lot :)

Friday, January 3, 2014

1/4/14 - Julian's banana

Another little progress; Juju eats banana like a big boy now! (without cutting pieces or removing skins by Mommy)
