Saturday, May 31, 2014

5/31/14 - Julian's nap time!

3 year old Juju still cries a lot and wants Mama all the time :) But today after swimming school, very tired Juju said "Bed time!" and got into bed by himself. Then he fell asleep without crying or being grumpy at all! My baby little boy is growing up :)


Monday, May 26, 2014

5/25/14 - 3 day Memorial Day Weekend

Busy weekend with unpacking boxes at new place. But we don't forget to have some fun between chores :)

We got a pool guy cleaned pool this week. Finally our pool is really clean!! 
Juju & Dada enjoyed the water yesterday 

After much fun at pool, Juju was tired and fell asleep at Target. 

Sunday morning: Our unpacking continues.....

We should not waste sunny summer weekend!
1st thing Dada & Juju did this morning was jumping into the pool :)

Mommy stop unpacking and jumped into pool too! 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

4/10/14 - Anthony & Daniel's Communion

Anthony & Daniel's communion at Church. And Party at Mezes Park! Enjoying a nice weekend with friends!  :)

今日は、アンソニーとダニエルのCommunion (カトリックの聖体拝領の儀式に参列しました。そのあと、みんなdr公園でピクニック。ピザ、スナック、アイスクリームにカップケーキ。お天気もいいし、楽しい週末です。

Friday, May 9, 2014

5/9/14 - Picture Day at daycare

Picture taking day today at daycare. Juju is obliviously wearing grumpy-pants and fought not to wear shirt & tie. I gave up putting him jacket. Sigh 

I hope he will smile later ......

今日は、保育園で新学期の記念撮影の日。みんな、おしゃれして登園ですが… ジュジュは、ご機嫌悪く、シャツとネクタイ着せるのに大奮闘でした。写真撮影までにご機嫌なおるといいけど…

5/8/14 - New Place!

1st night @ new place. New bed was delivered today & cable is ready! But TV is still on the floor :)

Just us and little stuff in suitcases here but we are very content with our new home :)

今日から新居での生活スタート!新しいベッドは届いたし、テレビとインターネットの接続完了!とは言っても、荷物はまだ前の家なので、キャンプ状態ですが…  何は無くとも楽しい我が家です。

Sunday, May 4, 2014

3/5/14 - Juju got fever

Juju was not feeling well this morning. He cried and didn't want to go daycare. Anyway, grumpy Juju was at daycare today, but sure enough, he got fever in the afternoon. 
Julian's fever was still 89.8F (37度8分), and Mommy  gave him  Taylenol kids at 6:30pm. Juju had low energy but at least ate well at dinner. Hopefully he will get better by tomorrow morning...


3/17/14 - Julian's new hairstyle

Julian's new haircut. He will be 3 in April. Juju graduated from toddler looks. Now he looks like a big boy! :) 


3/26/14 - Julian's 1st a whole apple

Juju loves apple. He eats apple everyday.
Tonight, he brought an apple to Mommy and said "Mommy! Apple! I want apple! Please!!!" He wanted me to peal and cut the apple. 
But I was busy writing email... So, I bite his apple and gave back to him! "Do it like this Juju!" 
Yes! He well copied what just Mommy showed him :)

林檎 大好きなジュジュ。「Mommy! Apple! I want apple! Please!!!」って差し出してきたけれど、コンピューターやってる際中で剥いたるのとってもめんどくさかったので、一口かじって見せたら、真似して上手に食べてたわ!

5/4/14 - Julian wants to make pancakes!

なぜか週末だけ早起きのジュジュ。日曜日だってのに7時前から起きて騒いでます。そして、自分でパンケーキ作るそうな… 昨夜、熱があって大泣きしてたとは思えない元気っぷり。まぁ元気がなにより。ママはまだ眠いぞ!

Juju wakes up very early only on weekend :( He has been playing from 7am and wanted to make pancakes .... I can't believe this is the same boy who had a fever and crying a lot last night. I'm happy he feels better now, but Mama is already tired to catch up with his activities at 7am in the morning :))