Sunday, March 27, 2016

3/17/2016 - Happy Easter Cards from Juju

Juju gave me Happy Easter Cards! This is the best card ever!!

「ママぼくプレゼントあるよ。ぼく自分で書いたよ。I draw this by myself!」と言ってくれました。ありがとう〜ジュジュ〜

Mom, Julian and present

HAPPY with an extra H

EASTER with S sideway, an extra E and R looks like S sideway

3/27/2016 - Summer Preparation

Preparing RWC summer! Pool cleaning team is in action! Our pool will be opened for kids soon!!
Juju is a big help of Dada

My pool cleaning team
Whitfield men: Dada, Papa, Juju and Ringo
Harvesting lemons
Mama, I got a flower for you
This is for you, Mama
I got yellow one too, Mama
I asked Juju "What kind of face is that?" He said "Giving a flower to Mama face"
Thank you Juju, My sweet boy❤️💕

Sunday, March 20, 2016

3/19/2016 - Almost 5 years old Julian's height

もう少しで5歳なので、身長測ってみました。45 3/4" (116.2cm)! 高い!って思ったら、ショーンがつま先立ちしてる!って発見! もう一度測ったら、44 5/8" (113.3cm)でした。ジュジュ、相変わらず、普段からいつもつま先立ちです。

Juju will be 5 years old soon! So we took his height! At first, we thought "Already almost 46"?!!" But Shawn noticed that Juju was standing by tippy toe! The accurate height was 44 5/8"!

Monday, March 14, 2016

3/14/2016 - Perler Beads

Juju has been enjoyed working on Perler Beads ever since Anutie Helena Wong introduced him that a couple weeks ago. First his creation was a coaster for Dada. And Juju wanted to make presents for all his classmates. He worked almost everyday one by one for his classmates' initials. He will share those at his Sharing Day at preschool tomorrow. We are so proud of your hard work and creativity, Juju :) 

Friday, March 4, 2016

3/2/2016 - Hair cut

ジュジュ散髪しました〜〜!!!カット by ママ😄✌
ちょっと長めのヘアースタイルが見てきたいので、ちょこっとトリムして伸ばし中。散髪に連れて行きたいダダを阻止する為に毛先カットして、セットして、ハンサム完成! ダダを満足。よかったよかった。

3/4/2016 - Julian's 1st Mitaradhi Dango
