Saturday, November 12, 2016

10/31/2016 - Trick or Treating 2016

We got together to go Trick or Treating & The SAN Carlos Light Show on Halloween night with Julian's best biddies Nate's & Sebastian's family! It was the a great fun night for both kids and adults!!

Juju made Captain America Shield for Dada

Julian (Ironman) and his buddies

The Whitfields Avengers

11/11/2016 - Juju at Mama's office on Veterans Day

Juju at my office with me today. He's been a very good guest here. He finished his Japanese school homework, ate a hamburger at GAP cafeteria, and now watching a movie :)
Happy Veterans Day!

11/4/2016 - Julian started Judo!

Julian has started Judo at Stanford University Judo Club. He had fun at the 1st class!


ジュリアンの柔道着! ジュジュ大興奮。すっごく大きいのですが、洗ったら縮むらしい。その後裾上げして、来週からの練習に備えます。

11/12/2016 - Picture with Santa