Saturday, December 10, 2016

12/10/2016 - Julian's Christmas Cookies

Juju did a very good job decoration cookies. We will bring these to Julian's Japanese school Holiday Show/ Party tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

12/5/2016 - PCC Holiday Singing

We had a such wonderful time at Julian's after-school Holiday Singing tonight. Juju did a really good job!

ジュジュ、ママにサプライズって、ショーの練習してたのも発表会の事も全然言ってくれてなくて、ショーンが歯医者さん連れてくのに今日たまたま早めに迎えに言った時クラスメイトのお母さんに今晩のショー楽しみですね〜って言われて、知ったよ! しかも、After-schoolからのお知らせメールは、なぜか今日まで届かず… ママは、夕方速攻早退して間に合ったよ〜 !(◎_◎;)

Monday, December 5, 2016

13/3/2016 - Holiday Train

It's our favorite event at Redwood City! Holiday Train! This year, we enjoyed the event with Sebastian family!

12/4/2016 - Play date with Saku-Chan

Juju had a play date with Saku-Chan at Japan Town. They play very well and had so much fun together as always :)

Juju met Santa at Japan Town Christmas Event

Juju was talking to Santa about something very important :)

Juju & Saku

Everybody together :)

Juju got made a balloon sword

Juju made a Pockemon button badge!

Juju was very happy with his balloon sword!

Late lunch. Juju ate California rolls and Ramen very well.

Dragon Breath :)

Sunday, December 4, 2016

12/4/2016 - Play-Doh

なんで日曜の早朝にプレイドーなのか… とにかくできて良かった…おやすみ〜
(( _ _ ))..zzzZZ

Ninja Play-Doh by Juju.
Orange is a good guy ninja. Black with pink belt & ribbon is Mama ninja, and green one is a bad guy ninja....だそうです
