Thursday, July 21, 2011

7/21/11 - So far so good

Julian started sleeping really well at night since he started going to the daycare.
Monday night: 5 1/2h, Tuesday night: 6h, and Wednesday: 7h straight......
I still wake up several times at night, and check if he is OK, but I guess nothing to worry about :) He just sleeps really well at night now!

Deeply sleeping ZZZZZzzzzz......

Julian loves daycare. He doesn't cry much, plays well, and takes good naps at daycare. 

He fell asleep in the car while coming back to home from the daycare. 
And then, he continued sleeping another 4 hours in the car seat 
even after we arrived at home.
My crying baby doesn't cry anymore? He smiles a lot, and seems very happy and relaxed. I don't need to hold him and walk around to make him sleep any more. I should feel happy for him, but I more like feeling "Is he okay?" , and miss holding my baby boy a lot!

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