Sunday, May 27, 2012

5/27/12 - Baby Protection

As Julian grows and explores, we keep adding baby safety products in our home. But Julian's mobility is improving very quickly every day, Mommy feels it almost impossible to set baby protections to all possible areas in hour home. Anyway, here is what we have done so far....

1st baby protection could be a baby gate, but this was done for our dog "Ringo" about 6 years ago. It works well for Julian too!
Baby Gate between living room and kitchen
Julian is not happy if Mommy is not in a same room with him :)

Added 2nd gate between front door and living room last week. This one was the most recent update, and Mommy loves it! This gate helps Mommy to be situated without Julian's distractions when leaving home with lots of stuff in the morning, and coming back to home with groceries and other stuff!
For example, when Mommy carries bags (Julian's stuff for Nanny, Mommy's work related stuff, etc) to her car in the morning, Julian cries and used to follow Mommy to the front door.
It was hard to open and close the front door with crying baby was following :(  Same thing at evening when Mommy came back with holding Juju and much stuff in her hands. But not anymore! :) She can keep Juju in the living room first, and Juju must safely wait for Mommy to be ready for him!
Don't you know Mommy is behind you?
Juju at gate :)

Julian loves opening kitchen cabinet drawers and doors. Especially since daddy taught him to play pots and pans in the kitchen...Juju and Dada play pans, pots, and lids like drums (>_<;) .... Now, all kitchen cabinet's drawers and doors are locked!
Let's play, Mommy!
You can't open the drawers any more, Juju~!!
I know there are pans and pots here

Juju wanted to touch stove knobs and tried opening oven door. Now, the stove knobs and the oven door are locked too. 
Even when Juju hangs at the bar, the oven door won't open!
Mommy found Julian was playing with toilet water ∑(゚□゚;)!!Now, the toilet seat cover is  locked as well!
Toilet seat cover is locked, but not trashcan......(T∇T)

Julian likes looking outside from living room window. So, Mommy usually up the window blinds for Juju can see outside. But recently Juju started playing with the blinds' cords. ∑(´□`;) So, "the window blind cord wind-ups" are added.
Juju playing with blinds cords.... ∑(´□`;) ヤメテー!!
Added "Window blind cord winds-up"
You can't reach the cords anymore (⌒-⌒)

Juju hated playpen which was like a baby jail to him. So, the gate just separates between play area and TV & fireplace now. Julian can play in the living room without feeling isolated and crying. Also, the floor is covered by play-mats, so Juju can practice walking without hitting his head on hardwood floor!
Juju is safely playing at play area :) Good boy!
No more leaning on fireplace screen
Juju~ Don't use your drum as a step‐ladder
Watching Julian's favorite music video "Twinkle Twincle Little Star"

Furniture's corners are covered by "corner bumpers", and all drawers are locked. So, Juju won't hit his head at the corner, and he can't pick the things from the drawers to play like toys anymore!
Juju~, It won't open any more~!

Which baby protection can prevent these kind actions?!!..........anyway......enough baby protection for now.....right?

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