Sunday, July 1, 2012

7/1/12 - Julian's 2nd Giant's Game

Juju went to his 2nd Giants game with Dada, Mommy Pop, Grandma Trish & Uncle Scott. This game tickets were a part of Father's Day treat from Juju & Mommy to Dada, and for Pop and Grandma Trish from Dada & Mommy.

Dada & Juju

Dada, Juju & Bay Bridge
Family picture at Bay Bridge
We are going to Giants Game!
We (except Juju) had a good time at the ballpark watching a good game! Let's Go Giants!!
Juju having his juice at AT&T Ballpark :)
Right after game started, Juju got really cranky and expressed his grumpy feeling with high pitch screaming voice!!! Oh well..... recently Juju gets very fussy and cranky being public with lots of peoples. Mommy took him to walk and let him explore the ballpark, and then Dada took him walk as well....then finally Juju crashed in Dada's arms (^0^)/
After much screaming, and walking in the ball park, Juju crashed in Dada's arm

ZZzzz.......Juju~ You know you are here to watch the game...
It was a good game! Giants won!
Happy Juju...ZZzzzzzz
South Beach Playground after the game :)
Juju found his favorite thing at the park
Juju the capten
Juju is very busy right now

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