Wednesday, February 27, 2013

2/25/13 - Julian's Artwork on table....

Julian created his another master piece .....on kitchen table at this time (>o<;)

Julian's new artwork on our kitchen table

Julian enjoyed running away from Mommy trying to catch him!
現行犯逮捕! 証拠品押収!


Monday, February 25, 2013

2/25/13 - Juju reading ANPANMAN book by himself

Juju is reading ANPANMAN book on the bed with Wearing Anpanman sticker on his head (^◇^;) Juju I know you loves ANPANMAN so much, but it's time to go bed~!

ジュジュは、ベッドの上で自分でアンパンマンに本を読んでいます。ジュジュの得意な言葉、アンパン、アンパンチ、ダダ、Oh ah, Car, Basketball, を駆使しての朗読です〜…....ってか、何故おデコにアンパンマンステッカー貼っててるの?!(^◇^;)

Saturday, February 23, 2013

2/23/13 - Julian wearing Mommy's sunglasses

Juju found Mommy's sunglasses and was so happily wearing them! He was totally ready to go out!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

2/19/13 - Juju practices words with Dada

Julian practices words both in Japanese and English. Today Juju and Dada read book together. Juju can't say many words yet, but he is interested in pointing at things to know the names. So far Juju can say Dada, Oh ah, No-no-no, アンパン, Apple, Basketball, Car, and ひこうき....
Also, he can hum a lots of Japanese and English songs such as Ampanman theme songs, twinkle twinkle little star, The wheels on the bus, Brushing teeth song, 手を叩きましょう, 結んで開いて etc.... It's a fun to see Julian's learning and improving process every day!

ジュジュは、最近やっと本に興味をしめしてきて、写真や絵を指さしては、私とショーンに名前を言えとせがみます。でも、まだなかなか自分では言えませんが…(⌒-⌒; ) それでも、繰り返し指差して練習中 :)今日も、ダダと何冊も絵本を指差して練習です! ジュジュの得意な言葉は、Dada、Oh ah、No-no-no、アンパン、 Apple、 Basketball, Car、ひこうき…英語と日本語まぜまぜです....そしてたま〜にママ〜……(´・_・`)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

2/13/13 - Julian's Early Valentine

Juju got early Valentine from Nanny Jen....Valentine card with Froot Loops, T-shirt, cookies, and lips whistle! Juju had the best dinner ever tonight..."Froot Loops" !! yay! ....Just for tonight only :)


Juju was playing lips whistle

Juju imitated whistle sound by his voice instead of whistling through it. 

 Julian's Valentine artworks made with Nanny Jen!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

2/12/13 - Julian's Potty Training

Since Juju successfully pooped at toilet at Nanny's for first time, Mommy decided to show him his potty :) At first he was very curiously checking it out by touching, holding up the cup, pushing buttons for music and trying to step on it....Finally he sat and enjoyed reading his book for a while :) Ringo was curiously checking Juju on the potty too.

Maybe sitting on the potty made him want to poop again, when Mommy was taking off Julian's cloth for bath, Juju pooped little bit on carpet without Mommy's attention. Then Juju and Ringo stepped on it by accident ...... Juju told Mommy what's happened by pointing his dirty foot .....Then Mommy noticed the funny smell and found little foot steps from Juju's room to bathroom ..... OH NO!!!!! Lots of wiping, cleaning, and washing involved after that :(


その後、お風呂入れようと思ってジュジュのお洋服脱がしてたら、知らない間にカーペットにウンチ、チョロ〜ってしてた〜((((;゚Д゚))))))) オマルの座ってたら、もよおしちゃったのか〜? しかも、ジュジュとリンゴで踏んで歩き回ってて、最悪〜!ジュジュ拭いて、カーペット拭いて、床拭いて、ジュジュをお風呂に入れて、洗濯して...... たいへんなトイレトレーニング一日目でした (T_T;)

2/12/13 - Juju pooped in potty!

Juju sat on toilet seat and pooped in potty! ..... Not by choice but he did it :) Juju was constipated and having a hard time ...... Nanny Jen figured it would come out easier at toilet since he was hurting. Juju didn't want to and cried, but Jen sat and holding him. Then he did it!!! Juju felt so much better after that. Juju and Jen did a high five at toilet when Juju did it!

Jen texted the big news to Mommy and Daddy with the toilet picture for the happy evidence (⌒-⌒; )
But Mommy decided not to share the picture here for Julian's privacy :)

ジュジュはトイレに座ってウンチできました〜! ジュジュは、昨日から便秘ぎみで、ウンチがしたくなると部屋の隅っこで立ったままう〜んって頑張りますが、思うようにいきません… トイレに座った方が出やすい?と、ナニージェンはジュジュをトイレに座らせてくれました。ジュジュ落っこちないように、ジェンは屈んでしっかりジュジュをサポート! はじめ嫌がって泣いていたジュジュですが、ウンチが出てスッキリです! ウンチが出た後は、ジェンとトイレで勝利のハイファイブ!

ジェンは早速マミーとダダに記念の証拠写真付きでテキストメッセージ送ってくれました! ジュジュのプライバシー保護のため、その写真はマミーの宝物としてしまっておきましょう(⌒-⌒; )

Thursday, February 7, 2013

2/7/13 - Juju working on his valentine sorting skills.. ;)

Juju learned how to sort candies by colors at Nanny's. He tried put them in his mouth at first.. But Nanny Jen told him not to. Then he put all of them into one container :)..... 
Then Jen showed Juju a couple times and he did it on his own!!
