Tuesday, February 12, 2013

2/12/13 - Julian's Potty Training

Since Juju successfully pooped at toilet at Nanny's for first time, Mommy decided to show him his potty :) At first he was very curiously checking it out by touching, holding up the cup, pushing buttons for music and trying to step on it....Finally he sat and enjoyed reading his book for a while :) Ringo was curiously checking Juju on the potty too.

Maybe sitting on the potty made him want to poop again, when Mommy was taking off Julian's cloth for bath, Juju pooped little bit on carpet without Mommy's attention. Then Juju and Ringo stepped on it by accident ...... Juju told Mommy what's happened by pointing his dirty foot .....Then Mommy noticed the funny smell and found little foot steps from Juju's room to bathroom ..... OH NO!!!!! Lots of wiping, cleaning, and washing involved after that :(


その後、お風呂入れようと思ってジュジュのお洋服脱がしてたら、知らない間にカーペットにウンチ、チョロ〜ってしてた〜((((;゚Д゚))))))) オマルの座ってたら、もよおしちゃったのか〜? しかも、ジュジュとリンゴで踏んで歩き回ってて、最悪〜!ジュジュ拭いて、カーペット拭いて、床拭いて、ジュジュをお風呂に入れて、洗濯して...... たいへんなトイレトレーニング一日目でした (T_T;)

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