Thursday, April 25, 2013

4/25/13 - Julian's 2 years old Birthday Party Preparation

Saturday (a day after tomorrow) is Julian's 2 years old Birthday Party! Mommy has been taking lots of time and effort for preparing the special Party for Juju! She hopes Juju and everybody will enjoy the birthday party!

Here is so far Mommy has done and planned.....

- Researched fun party locations for kids
- Made a reservation for the farm
- Made Evite & FB event
- Invited friends & family
- Researched B-day cake designs
- Ordered a special birthday cake
- Planned party with Cowboy theme
- Ordered party favors
- Planned for food menu
- Shopped at party supply store for the party theme decorations, paper plates, napkins, etc
- Went to another party supply store for more party stuff
- Ordered balloons to pick up in the morning of the party
- Checked BBQ supplies
- Ordered special home made salsa for BBQ
- Made grocery list and other shopping list for the day before the party
- Will go to Costco, Target, WholeFoods for groceries, drinks, and other stuff for the party after work tomorrow!

Making a kid's party needs lots of effort for sure :)
These are the part of the party supplies Mommy have prepared for Juju :)
ゴミのようですが、ゴミではありませ〜ん。少しずつ準備したパーティーグッズです〜。明日は仕事終わってからラストスパート! 土曜日のパーティーに向けて頑張りま〜す(^O^)/

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