Saturday, May 25, 2013

5/25/13 - Nanny Jen's Graduation Party

Julian's Nanny Jen is a inspirational woman who proactively handles multiple tasks as a wife, a mother of 3 kids, a Nanny, and a collage student. Jen graduated collage with AA degree today! We were invited her graduation party and celebrated on her big accomplishment with her and her friends & family! As she graduated and is moving on to her next step in her career, Juju is going to Daycare from mid June.

We met Jen after enrolling our 5-month-old son Julian's 1st Daycare center, where she worked as Infant Head Teacher. After her leaving the day care when Julian was still 4 month old, she became Julian's Nanny, and gave him quality of care. Also, aside from the “regular” tasks as Nanny, Jen included many other educational, physical, creative and fun activities for Julian to participate in. She engaged Julian in many worthwhile activities to aid in his learning fundamentals by reading to him, teaching him to differentiate between colors, shapes, and tastes, sign language communication, and building his language/verbal skills. She also regularly includes creative activities such as painting and other arts/crafts types of projects.
Jen has also helped us through Julian's many key developmental transitions, and provided invaluable education for us as first-time parents. Jen has been an integral part of Julian's life and ours, and she became like our family. We are forever grateful for all that she has contributed to our son’s life and ours. We are very happy for her graduation and accomplishment! ..... but at the same time, we will truly miss her!! 

Jen & Julian

Jen's son, Anthony with Julian

Julian having a good time with his friends :)

Boys are having so much fun together!

5/23/13 - Julian says IKO~!

Juju loves going to playground every evening. As soon as he came back home with Mommy, he says "Iko~! Iko~!" = 行こう!行こう!that he wants to go to playground :)

Juju imitating Ringo "Bow Wow!"
Juju likes stepping on metal sewage covers. Juju must take a time to stepping on each one of them on his way to playground. Ringo wants to move on, but Juju saying "No! No! No!"

Juju wants to hold everything by himself and runs! ; Ringo's leash and 2 toy cars :)
Here is Julian's favorite spot. This house has cute ornament with a house, a dog, a boy and parents at the front yard. Juju must stop here and point each one of them.
For example.....Juju says "Bubu" (Juju) with pointing the ornament, then said one more time "Bubu" with pointing himself. Then he says "Mama" with pointing the ornament, and then he says "Mama" again with pointing his Mommy,..... 
His ritual continues for Dada with points direction of his home, then for Ringo he points Ringo and says "Bow wow" :)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

5/21/13 - Julian's 1st teeth cleaning

Juju had his 1st teeth cleaning at pediatric dentistry today. He has 18 healthy teeth and his all teeth are very clean now! The dentist gave us a very good compliment for his 2 times well brushing teeth everyday! Juju cried at teeth cleaning a lot, but otherwise he loved new dentist a lot. There were lots of toys and DVD players etc at the dentist :)  Juju got a token after the cleaning as a prize!  Juju used the token to get a super ball fr the toy machine : )  He loved it so much and didn't want to leave the dentist at all.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

5/14/13 - Juju can put on pants by himself

After Julian took bath with Mommy, Dada was trying to put pajamas on Juju. But Juju was not so helpful to Dada . He moved too much and refused wearing pajamas. So, Dada could only put him on the top but not bottom .... After a few minutes later, "Tada~!!" Juju showed up from his room with wearing Pajama pants!!! Dada was so surprised, and said "How?!!" .... Dada told Mommy that "I left Juju in his room without putting his pants on!"
I guess Juju can put on pants by himself !?! LOL

Smart kid : )

「ジュジュ!! パンツはいてるじゃん!」とダダはビックリ?! 「え?ダダが履かせたんじゃないの?」とういうマミーの質問に、パジャマの上だけ着せて、パンツは後でマミーに着せてもらいな〜と部屋を出たのになんでだ?…とビックリのダダ。
なんだかよくわかんないけど、ジュジュは自分でパンツが履けるようです(⌒-⌒; )

Sunday, May 12, 2013

4/12/13 - Mother's Day

My Mother's Day weekend was so awesome!
I got a card, gifts, chocolate and flowers from Dada and Julian.

Juju made a special Mother's Day gift with Nanny's help :)
A flower seed was sown there. What kind flower will bloom is a surprise!
Julian's hand painted flower pot and the pictures.

We went to San Francisco with Rob, Traci and Rory on Saturday!

Papa (Grandpa) and Grandma Trish invited us to Mother's Day celebration on Sunday.
Juju had played with Addison. We enjoyed a relaxed time with yummy food! I
t was the perfect Mother's day Brunch!

As the final event of the Mother's Day, we had Mother's Day BBQ in the Sunday evening! Dada made the perfect BBQ! 
Juju had a lots of fun with Grandma and Ringo at backyard!

 BIG Thanks for Shawn and Juju for making the perfect Mother's day! 
I feel so special and happy! 
I love you guys soooo much!!

Friday, May 10, 2013

5/9/13 - アンパンマン大図鑑

ジュジュは、アンパンマンの大大大ファン! アンパンって言わない日は、1日もなし。毎日1回はテレビ指差して、「アンパ〜ン‼」ってテレビつけろとゴネます。泣いてても、アンパンマンが始まるとケロっと笑顔。ソファーによじ登って自分の定位置に着席! 全身を振って音楽にのってウキウキノリノリです!クリスマスにジィジィ(おじいちゃん)に買ってもらったアンパンマンの本数冊は毎日読んですっかりボロボロです。


Juju loves Japanese cartoon animation "Anpanman" so much! Juju says "Anpan" every morning as soon as he wakes up! Juju reads Anpanman books, watches Anpanman cartoon, plays with Anpanman tots everyday... So, Mommy's friend recommended a book "Anpanman Daizukan" which has everything about Anpanman.... Like a pictured dictionally of Anpanman. We looked for the book to order, but we learned that the book was so popular in Japan and it was sold out at every book stores, online stores, and everywhere else .... Finally Mommy found a online book store still has some stocks!!! Yay!
Grandpa ordered the book today in Japan, and he will send it to Juju as soon as he receives. Anpanman Daizukan will be here sometimes soon!! Yay!
Juju will love the book for sure! We can't wait to see Julian's exciting face :)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

5/8/13 - Julian sleeps in his room alone

Juju had had a hard time sleeping by himself in his crib. He kept waking up in the middle of night, and cried for Mommy every night. Mommy had to wake up to rock him to sleep every time when he woke up and cried. So, since Juju was about 8 month old, Mommy let him sleep with Dada and Mommy in the big bed. Juju puts his hand under neath of Mommy's back and slept well through the night since then.
But Juju is 2 years old now. Mommy let him try sleeping in his crib again tonight.
He read his books by himself in the crib. After a while, Juju kissed his big teddy bear and said "Mama, NENNEKO" which means Mama, I'm sleepy .
Then while Mommy patting his back, Juju fell asleep in his bed..... Hopefully he won't wake up and cry in the middle of night ....nite nite....zzzzz

Sunday, May 5, 2013

5/5/13 - Julian's Anpanman rice-bowl

Because of Anpanman rice-bowl Juju got from Chi-chan for his 2 years old birthday, he can eat rice very well!

ジュジュはちいちゃんに2歳のお誕生日に買ってもらったアンパンマン お茶碗のおかげで、オニギリにしなくても、スプーンを使って自分でご飯が食べられるようになってきたぞ!(^o^)/



Saturday, May 4, 2013

5/4/13 - Julian's Kiss Kiss

Julian's kiss is the best present to Mommy!! Cute Juju was blowing kisses to camera. So, we were just being silly on bed and playing with video :)

5/4/13 - Julian's strong arms

Julian's getting more active and stronger everyday. He enjoys hanging and swinging like a monkey at playground :)

ジュリアンは、公園大好き。平日の夕方と週末の昼間ほぼ毎日マミーとリンゴと公園に行きます。最近のお気に入りの技はぶら下がり… まるでお猿のようにブラ〜んってぶら下がってユーラユーラ。