Wednesday, May 8, 2013

5/8/13 - Julian sleeps in his room alone

Juju had had a hard time sleeping by himself in his crib. He kept waking up in the middle of night, and cried for Mommy every night. Mommy had to wake up to rock him to sleep every time when he woke up and cried. So, since Juju was about 8 month old, Mommy let him sleep with Dada and Mommy in the big bed. Juju puts his hand under neath of Mommy's back and slept well through the night since then.
But Juju is 2 years old now. Mommy let him try sleeping in his crib again tonight.
He read his books by himself in the crib. After a while, Juju kissed his big teddy bear and said "Mama, NENNEKO" which means Mama, I'm sleepy .
Then while Mommy patting his back, Juju fell asleep in his bed..... Hopefully he won't wake up and cry in the middle of night ....nite nite....zzzzz

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