Friday, March 21, 2014

3/22/14 - Mommy's Giants T-shirt

Tonight, after I changed to pajama, Juju pointed at me and said "I want Giants! Baseball!!" as I was wearing Giants T-shirt. So, I gave him his Giants T-shirt, but he said "Not this one. THIS ONE!" He pointed at the one I was wearing..... Yes, Juju gonna sleep wearing Mommy's Giants T-shirt :) 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

3/18/14 -Julian's Big Wheel

Juju can ride his big wheel very fast ! And he is very careful to cross the street. He stops and checks if cars are not coming... "Mama, be careful! No cars?! No Meter! No Lighting McQueen!"
Juju is very good to follow rules (once he inputs them in his mind) and he is very good to teach the rules to others too. Stopping before crossing the street is one of his favorite rules! So, even he is very fast, he always waits for me to cross the street :) It's fun to go out with Juju and his big wheel!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

3/11/14 - Mommy got the flu

I got the flu.....I have high fever, nast cough, and bodyache everywhere :( 
Taking Dr's proscribed antibiotics and other medichines for flu, but not getting well yet :(
Fortunately Dada & Juju got flu shot before the flu season, so no need to worry about they will get sick :) Dada is very busy taking care of Juju, and doing housework. Dada is making breakfast & lunch for Juju! Thank you Dada!

Juju was very sweet last night....
He came to my bed and said "Are you okay, Mama? Tired? Eat Mama eat!"  Then he pretended giving me coffee and orange. Then he asked me "Better now, Mama? Better?" Juju treated me very well :)

風邪ひいたと思ったら、インフルエンザでした。初インフルエンザ体験!高熱、酷い咳、関節痛などなど、こんなにしんどいもんとは、知りませんでした… 病院でタミフルもらって寝てますが、まだしばらくかかりそうです。インフルエンザ予防接種は受けましょう!と反省。ダダとジュジュはちゃんと予防接種してるのでうつる心配なく安心です。


「ママ、You want coffee? 熱いから!熱いから!」と言って、コーヒー持ったふりした手を、フーフーしてくれます。そして、「ママ、Better now? Better now?」って繰り返しきいてくれました。チビ助なりに、理解してるんだなぁって、ちょっぴり幸せ気分のママでした。

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

3/4/14 - Julian's Fashion Sense

My dorky boy's today's fashion choice....,

3/2/14 - Happy Hollow Park & Zoo

Lots of rides, petting zoo, big slides, pretzel, Icee and more! Julian had a great time at Happy Hollow as always!


3/3/14 - Lego Movie

We enjoyed The Lego Movie & Kettle corn!

Of corse after movie is games!