Wednesday, September 24, 2014

9/21/2014 - Julian's Sunday Chores


Juju said "I want to make pancake!"
So, he made his own breakfast with Mama.

He was wearing Dada's BBQ apron. 

Don't worry stove was off and pan was not hot anymore :)

He said "OISHI〜!!" (Delisous!!)

Then, Juju wanted to make smoothie!

Yum yum!

How about car wash?!!... Mama made Juju to help Dada! 
ママ、調子に乗って、洗車のお手伝いもさせてみましたが… これは、イマイチだった模様…

See Juju's unhappy face :) Car wash... Not so much :(
この膨れっ面 (^^;;

9/18/ 2014 - Batman Juju

Today was the first rainy day in the season. Juju happily wore his new raincoat and rain boots to preschool this morning! After school, he wanted to wear raincoat and boots at home again :)


9/24/2014 - Yay! Juju made it :) No Accident!!

Juju came back from preschool with wearing same underwear since this morning! Juju spent a whole day without pull-ups today! No Accident! Good job Juju! 

ジュジュ 今日は、おんなじスモールパンツ(下着パンツ) 履いて幼稚園から帰って来ました! 失敗なし! 今日は1日トレパンマンなしで過ごせたよ。他の子より随分時間がかかったジュジュのトイレトレーニングですが、ゴールはもうすぐだね!頑張れジュジュ!

ジュジュの新しい遊び。"Mama, Look! I'm hiding!"


ジュジュ、新しいバットマンパジャマ着てねんねこ〜( ̄▽ ̄)zzzz
Julian happily slept with new Batman pajama :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

9/16/2014 - Juju's Jamming with Dada

A fun evening at the Whitfield's. Juju said "Dada, you do guitar! Mama, you dance!" Hah! Juju got music gene from Dada for sure! Good job Juju :)


Saturday, September 13, 2014

9/13/2014 - Julian's Height & Weight

Saturday morning: early bird Julian :(
Let's check height and height! 
Julian's Height: 40 1/2", Weight: 38lb.
this bathroom scale weighs about 1~2lb less than actual weight. So, Juju must be about 40lb. 
Anyway, he is growing up so fast and so well! 
久しぶりに身長と体重測ってみました。寝起きで寝癖爆発のジュジュをチョコレートクッキーでつっての測定です〜! 身長 103cm 体重 17.7kg。でも、この体重計、実際より1キロぐらいは軽く表示するので、実際ジュジュは、18.5kgくらいはあると思います。ジュジュ、グングン大きくなってます。

Friday, September 12, 2014

9/12/2014 - Julian's Happy Friday

After school, where Juju wanted to go for Friday fun was Auto car wash! He was very fascinated with all the movements out side of car. Then we went to Toysrus for Sunday's party gift! It's for Julian's friend but of course Juju had to get one for himself too :) Finally, we are at Canyon In for dinner and game! This weekend will be full of fun stuff too :) 

洗車の後はお買い物。日曜日はお友達のお誕生日会なので、トイザラス にプレゼントを買いに行きました。もちろん、ジュジュにもおもちゃ買わされましたが........
最後は、ダダも合流して一緒に キャニオンインで夕食とゲームです。ジュジュ、いっぱい食べました。

Sunday, September 7, 2014

9/6/2014 - Daniel's Football Game

We went to cheer on Daniel at his football game. Juju was very happy to see Jen & Eric!  It was very hot day today but Juju and his best playmate Michael played a lot. Kids didn't mind direct sun at all! Juju laughed a lot and had a very good time with his friend :) 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

9/4/2014 - Julian & Dada's boys night

Julian & Dada's boys night. (Mama was out for dinner with friend 👫😄)

Batman wing was delivered today! Dada said Juju was a very good boy tonight. Happy Juju went to bed without fighting :) Thank you Dad~♥️