Friday, August 28, 2015

8/28/2015 - Julian's 4 year check up

Juju had his 4 years old check up today at Dr's office. Julian is healthy and well growing. He has no problems in his hearing, and eye-sight. Dr. doesn't see any signs of development delay in his behaviors. Julian is growing up well! Juju had 3 vaccine shots today and he was very brave. Julian didn't cried at all at first 2 shots, but only cried little bit at the last one. Good job! Buddy :)

Julian's measurements at age 4y-4m
Height: 43 inch (109.25cm) 87percentile
Weight: 43.2 pounds (19.6kg) 84 percent ail

Friday, August 14, 2015

8/9 ~ 8/14/2015 - Juju and Didi

Juju has been having lots of fun with Didi last week. He went to Exploratorium with Didi, and he has had lots of fun at home and pool with Didi.

Monday, August 10, 2015

8/9/2015 - Didi is here!!

Juju had a great time with Dada at Dada's company picnic today! Swiming pool, Bouncy houses, face painting, BBQ and more! 

After waking up from a nap, Juju was very excited to see Didi is here!!! DiDi came to visit us from Japan with lots of presents for Juju!! 

Julian's so stoked on his Tansformers! 

Thank you Didi! I love you-! 
Transformer Adventure: Ultra Magnus & Side Swipe

Many Japanese books! 

Julian's "beautiful new red shoes" as he requested! 

Juju played at park with Didi. We did BBQ at backyard. DiDi had very busy 1st day in California :) Thank you Didi who traveled over 10 hours to visit us again and giving so many presents to Juju!! We are very happy to see you and having you here with us is the best present for us! 

And.....This morning (next day), as soon as Juju woke up, he said "Mama, I want more presents!" And sure enough, DiDi gave him more transformers! 

Saturday, August 8, 2015

8/7/2015 - The last day of summer class

Sunday, Juju had a lot of fun at Oaklamd Zoo!  

Juju got high fever on Sunday night. He took about 3 days to gain his energy back to 100%. 

Juju had headache but bandaid made him little better as always! He showed us his school project "Statue of Liberty" while he was staying home in sick. 

He was back to school from yesterday but today was the last day of summer school. We celebrated starting summer vacation at Julian's favorite frozen yogurt place! 

Juju is looking forward to Didi's coming to visit us on Sunday! And we will go to Disneyland & Legoland!