Friday, October 28, 2016

10/23/2016 - Shawn's Birthday & Julian's 1/2 Birthday

Julian looks forward Dada's Birthday because it's Julian's 1/2 birthday! We had a family dinner on 10/22 and went to a day trip on 10/23.

Julian was telling everybody "We are gonna have Dada's birthday party tonight. His birthday is tomorrow, but we are pretending like today is his birthday!"

Juju kept secret very well that we got an Apple Watch for Dada. It will delivered in Nov :) So, Juju made very nice drawing of the Apple Watch!

We went to Sonoma with Leif and Cecillia on Shawn's birthday. It was a very fun trip!

Photo by Juju - Julian's shoes

YouTube Video

10/23/2016 - Shawn's Birthday & Julian's 1/2 Birthday

Julian looks forward Dada's Birthday because it's Julian's 1/2 birthday! We had a family dinner on 10/22 and went to a day trip on 10/23.

Julian was telling everybody "We are gonna have Dada's birthday party tonight. His birthday is tomorrow, but we are pretending like today is his birthday!"

Juju kept secret very well that we got an Apple Watch for Dada. It will delivered in Nov :) So, Juju made very nice drawing of the Apple Watch!

We went to Sonoma with Leif and Cecillia on Shawn's birthday. It was a very fun trip!

Photo by Juju - Julian's shoes

YouTube Video

10/22/2016 - Disney on Ice

Juju is enjoying the show a lot! I'm having a little break here, Shawn Whit, your company rules! Watching Disney on Ice from Penthouse sweet with having beer, pizza, and all other appetizers & snacks are not too bad!

10/20/2016 - Rainbow Day

Today is the Rainbow day at school. Kids dress up with rainbow colors outfit. Juju made his rainbow T-shirt last night
And I totally forgot about it this morning until Shawn called me from school and said, "We forgot the rainbow T-shirt!!" Oops! Sorry Juju! Thank you Shawn Whit for coming back home and bring the T-shirt to school for Juju

Saturday, October 8, 2016

10/8/2016 - Julian's playing soccer!!

今シーズンは、なぜだかサッカーの練習も試合も泣きべそで新しいチームに馴染めずいたジュジュ。もう辞めてもいいよと言ってみましたが、辞めたくないと言い張ります。しかし今日は、何かが吹っ切れたのか、途中からですが、自ら試合に参加しました~!! そして、とっても楽しかったそうです。ママの方が泣きそうになりました。😭💕😋✌

Juju finally had a good time playing soccer today!!
In some reasons Juju had been very shy at soccer field this year. But finally Juju got courage to join the team! We are so happy to see his smile! It was so nice to see Julian's having a good time playing soccer with his teammates!! I was almost crying! 😅😭💕

10/7/2016 - Friday Date with Juju at Japan Twon

Friday date with Juju at Japan Town😋

We went to pick up Julian's Japanese Passport to CONSULATE-GENERAL OF JAPAN in San Fransisco, but because of busy traffics, we were a few minutes late, and couldn't receive the passport. Juju felt very sad and cried a lot 😰 Sorry Juju!! Since we drove all the way to SF from RWC, we deserve to have a fun!

As very hungry Juju wanted noodle, we went to Japan Town for dinner! Juju and Mama had lots of fun together 💕👍

We tried Dragon Breath Dessert!
It was a strange fun dessert :)

Juju picked the super-express train noodle & tenpura dinner

He liked the cold noodle (ざる蕎麦) a lot!

Julian said 美味し〜〜!

普段、食わず嫌いのジュジュですが、今日は天ぷらにもチャレンジ!Juju even tried tenpura! He liked shrimp & pumpkin, but he didn't like zucchini so much :)

Of course, ice cream time!! after dinner :)