Friday, December 30, 2011

12/30/11 - Julian's First Photo Shoot

Julian had his first photo shoot at Studio Alice in Japan. He wore Japanese traditional Kimono and Judo-gi. Julian was a really good boy at the photo studio without crying! You can see that in his pictures below!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

12/28/11 - Grocery Shopping with Hioba-chan (Great Grandma) for New Year

When mommy was a kid, grocery shopping before new year's eve was a family tradition  every year. Grandma and Grandpa bought anything we liked.... meat, fish, vegetables, candies, snacks, sweets, ice-cream, juice, strawberries, and ect.
It is Julian's turn this year! Julian went to grocery shopping with Mommy and Great Grandma. Great Grandma bought a lot of goodies for Juju :)

Julian on a shopping street

Julian & Great Grandma at grocery store

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12/27/11 - Julian's Jet Lag

Julian totally had jet lag at first few days. At first night, he woke up many times, was very fussy and cried a lot and didn't want to sleep until the morning.

This was 2nd night in Japan. He didn't cry much, but didn't want to sleep. He staid up and played until 4am :(

Juju was still playing after midnight

Not sleepy yet?

Juju was curious about everything

Don't touch! That's the family Buddhist altar!

Finally! It's 8:00am(_ _).zzzzzZZZZ

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

12/27/11 - Julian's First Subway Trip in Japan Trip

Juju and mommy arrived in Japan yesterday. As Mommy's normal schedule, next day of the arrival to Japan is her hair salon day! Mommy and Julian took subway to Shinsaibashi. Many people in subway said to mommy how cute Juju was :)

At subway station

Julian's first subway ride

Julian took nap on shampoo chair

Mommy's hair is done!

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Monday, December 26, 2011

12/25/11 - Julian's First Travel to Japan

 Julian and Mommy traveled to Japan on Christmas Day.  He cried little bit for being bored, and got fussy when he got sleepy (as usual), but overall Julian did pretty good job taking 10 hour flight to Japan.
at SFO airport
Almost end of flight, Julian is getting comfortable on the airplane.
Juju's playing with headphone
Arrived at KIX airport (Osaka/ Japan)
Uncle Kei came to pick up Juju and Mommy at airport! Juju is sitting in a big boy car seat!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

12/24/11 - Julian's First Christmas Party

Friends and family got together on Christmas Eve that Julian and Mommy are going to Japan on Christmas day!

Zoey and Julian
Ringo, Sophia, Zoey and Julian
Mommy got a big Christmas present from Daddy!
Pop and Juju
Girls' opening presents :)
Juju is tasting melon
Juju and Sakura checking presents
Merry Christmas (eve)!
Dada, Mommy & Juju
Merry Christmas (eve)!
Colin, Yoko & Sakura
Uncle Scott, Grandma & Juju
Pop, Grandma Trish & Juju
Grandma playing with Sakura
Uncle Scott & Dada making funny face
Great Cousin Jim & Juju

Thursday, December 22, 2011

12/22/11 - Julian can climb up onto the couch

Julian figured out how to climb up onto the couch by himself. He uses his toy box as a stool. Smart boy but very dangerous .... Mommy really can't take her eyes off him anymore....

すごいぞ!ジュジュ! まだ歩けないのに、おもちゃ箱を踏み台にしてソファーに上ることを考案、やってのけました!! でもとっても危険!! マミーは近頃ジュジュから目が離せません。 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

12/21/11 - Picking up tiny object by using thumb and forefinger

Julian can pick up cereal using his thumb and forfinger, and put it into his mouth to eat!!
He still needs more practice, but definitely feels fun to eat food on his own!

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

12/20/11 - Julian's Food Adventure - Broccoli

Julian likes broccoli!?! Broccoli isn't most popular vegetables for kids, but Juju has no problem with it! Good boy, Juju! Mommy is proud of you!

Good boy, Juju!

Julian likes making noise by his lips ..bvuvuvuvuv (>_<)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

12/14/11 - Julian's feelin better and sleeping training in progress!

Julian had cold symptoms from last weekend. Seemed poor Julian couldn't stop being sick, but Julian is doing much better now!! He's not showing much cold symptoms anymore.
So, we started being a little more aggressive about his sleep training (again... now that he is feeling better). Which means, putting him in his crib and letting him fall asleep on his own. It's been hard, because he cries (screams) for about 30 mins before tiring himself out and falling asleep. But the good thing is, he slept 9 hours the first night and 8 hours last night. Unbelievable! Also, he seems to be less cranky throughout the day. Anyway, the idea is that he'll be less and less freaked out about being alone in the crib and learn how to sleep on his own, without help. Anyway, hopefully it will continue in a positive direction.

Good morning Juju!.....after long good night sleep

What is that? Curious Julian in a morning

Julian is in very good mood :)

Playing with Mommy in living room

Happy Juju's cute smile

Playing with Dada :) Weeee!

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Monday, December 12, 2011

12/11/11 - Julian's 1st Standing!!

Julian stranded with holding on to Mommy's knee at first time today!! It was too sudden and Mommy and Daddy were so shocked and exited at the same time!! We couldn't believe what just he did!!


Julian was trying to stand up by holding Mommy's legs

OMG! Juju!!! You did it!!

Juju! You are standing!!

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

12/11/11 - Julian's Sleeping Schedule

Julian's night sleeping habit has been confused since his high fever. Julian was sick for over 2 weeks. Whole he was sick, he was very uncomfortable, and couldn't sleep well without Mommy. Also, poor Juju had very bad rash all over his body because of the antibiotics. After that he got cold with cough, sneezing, and a runny nose. He got well, and feels much better now, but he's sleeping schedule got totally messed up. He wakes up at least a couple of times in the middle of the night, and cries for Mommy. We are starting over the sleep training again. Sorry Juju.... Mommy can't pick you up and rock you to sleep anymore. But Mommy and Daddy knows you will be able to sleep through the night soon! You can do it!


After much crying for over 30 minutes, almost falling sleep

Half sleeping, but still moving :)

Done & done! Nighty night Juju :)

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