Wednesday, December 14, 2011

12/14/11 - Julian's feelin better and sleeping training in progress!

Julian had cold symptoms from last weekend. Seemed poor Julian couldn't stop being sick, but Julian is doing much better now!! He's not showing much cold symptoms anymore.
So, we started being a little more aggressive about his sleep training (again... now that he is feeling better). Which means, putting him in his crib and letting him fall asleep on his own. It's been hard, because he cries (screams) for about 30 mins before tiring himself out and falling asleep. But the good thing is, he slept 9 hours the first night and 8 hours last night. Unbelievable! Also, he seems to be less cranky throughout the day. Anyway, the idea is that he'll be less and less freaked out about being alone in the crib and learn how to sleep on his own, without help. Anyway, hopefully it will continue in a positive direction.

Good morning Juju!.....after long good night sleep

What is that? Curious Julian in a morning

Julian is in very good mood :)

Playing with Mommy in living room

Happy Juju's cute smile

Playing with Dada :) Weeee!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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