Tuesday, May 31, 2011

5/31/11 - His this face makes me so happy

Julian is getting better to burp after nursing. He had had always hard time to burp after bottle feed, and that made him upset stomach and cry.... He has learned how to latch at breast-feeding and doesn't need formula most of time. He is often able to fall sleep without crying or fussing after breast-feeding. Actually, he did good burps just now, and peacefully fell sleep on my chest
His this face makes me so happy more than anything :)

ジュリアンは近頃少しだけ上手にげっぷが出来るようになってきました。少し前までは、哺乳瓶 でファーミュラを飲み過ぎるとお腹にガスがたまって、上手にげっぷが出来ず、ぐずったり泣いたり..... 最近は、おっぱいからミルクを上手に飲めるよ うになったので、ほとんど哺乳瓶でフォーミュラを飲ませる必要もなくなったし、母乳の後も、随分上手にゲップして、泣かずに、すやすや眠れることも多くな りました。

Monday, May 30, 2011

5/30/11 - Julian's the first play date with Sakura

Colin & Yoko has invited us to their home in San Francisco for Julain & Sakura's play date. We met Colin & Yoko's daughter Sakura at the first time today. Sakura was born on 5/1/2011 when was a week after Julian's birth day. She is a very cute chubby baby girl. Julian and Sakura shared changing pad, bouncer, and crib. And they cried by turns. We had a really good time. I hope Julian and Sakura will become a good friend to each other.


Julian and Sakura in Sakura's baby co-sleeper

 Don't cry Sakura

Sakura in her bouncer

Julian liked Sakura's bouncer

Yoko mom & Sakura

Colin cooked wonderful dinner for us

After a lot of crying and playing with Sakura, Julian was totally tired at home
But..... of course he cried at home a lot at night as usual :(

Sunday, May 29, 2011

5/29/11 - Mom is tired ( ̄◇ ̄;) 疲れた~

( ̄◇ ̄;)
やっぱり体力の限界ってあるんだね。今日は毎授乳ごとに、ジュリアンと一緒にお昼寝です〜。いつもになく、あんまりぐずらずお昼寝してくれるジュリアンのおかげで、随分体力回復!! また頑張れるぞ!!

I feel extremely tired today. I can't stay wake except the time for nursing. I am taking power naps after nursing at every 3 hours :) I finally feel rested and little better now!
I definitely needed some sleeps!!
Thank you Julian for not too fussy today :) I love you~!!

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Saturday, May 28, 2011

7/2/11 - The 1st sigh

Julian gave a deep sigh. I think that was the 1st sigh he ever did.

Friday, May 27, 2011

5/27/11 - Shhhhh...Julian is sleeping

Julian is sleeping well right now. He is not fussing or crying for a couple hours.
Normally, he is very fussy or cris all day.  We have been trying our best to comfort him all day everyday. So, a moment like right now that should be the happiest time for us.

However.....  I started feeling it is almost too quiet in our house when he sleeps well like right now, and I feel missing holding him :)...am I crazy?!

My Sleeping Engel


でも、あんまり静かだと、なんだか寂しいような、早くジュリアンをまた抱っこしたいような気がしてしまうなんて..... ヤッパリおかしいですね。

5/27/11 - Something Julian doesn't like - Bathing

Julian smelled like a cheese around his neck and cheek because of milk he drinks.
So, mom bathed Julian, but he was not so happy about it.
His cute hippopotamus bath-towel doesn't help him for better bathing experience :(
Ringo was curiously checking Julian to know why he is crying so much :)


Din't cry Ju-Ju

5/27/11 - Julian's Sea Shepherd Pirate

Thank you Pop!

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

5/25/11 - 1st Mother's Day Gift from Julian

The engraving of my 1st Mother's Day Gift from Julian has been done, and delivered from Tiffany&Co. today. It is the beautiful silver bracelet with a heart charm engraved "Mom, Love from Julian". I think I am the lucky mom!

Thank you Shawn for helping Julian for this one :)

My 1st Mother's Day Gift from Julian
Front : Engraved "Mom"
Back: Engraved "Love, Julian"
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5/25/11 - Mom was at emergency room for mastitis!!

At evening of 5/24/2011, I felt severe pain in my right breast. The pain was getting worse within a couple hours, and I literally start crying because of the pain. Shawn took me to trip to emergency room at Stanford Hospital.

At the hospital I found out I had mastitis. Doctors, nurses, and especially lactation consultant in Stanford Hospital was great as always, and gave me immediate treatment and medications.
I appreciated the lactation consultant worked through with me to pump the breast milk even though it was extremely painful with the mastitis.  She also gave me valuable advice for mastitis and breast feeding.

I'm feeling much better now with pain medication and antibiotics.
Little Julian did a great job to help his mom for the breast feeding which is the best treatment for reducing the pain of mastitis.
Also,thank you Shawn for good taking care of me.

Julian was really hungry, and accidentally latched mommy's chin at the emergency room :)

5/24/2011 右のオッパイのミルクがつまってしこりみたいに硬くなって痛くて痛くて、たまらなくなって救急病院行くことに。こんな痛い思い生まれて初めてでした。赤ちゃん生む時の陣痛の痛みといい勝負かそれより痛かったかもしれない。

はじまりは昨日の夕方から。オッパイあげようとしてジュリアンが吸うと右側は針で刺したみたいなシャープな痛みが乳首にはしって思わず声を上げるくらい 痛くなってきて、授乳どころじゃない状況。大げさな様だけど涙が出るほど痛くて我慢出来なくなって....お風呂であっためたら、血行が良くなって詰まった オッパイも出るかと思ってお風呂入ったけど、全然効果なし。乳首の先は脂肪分が詰まって白くなってるし。病院電話したら多分、ミルクがつまってオッパイ の中で乳腺が炎症を起こしてるから、救急病院に赤ちゃんと一緒にすぐ来るよう言われた。乳腺炎(matitis)というそうです。

スタンフォードホスピタルの救急救命室では、先生、看護婦さんに加えて、ラクテーションコンサルタントのおばさんが懇切丁寧に対応してくれました。痛くない左のオッパイでジュリアンに授乳、張ってメッチャ痛い右のオッパイをマッサージして(これが死ぬほど痛い)、徐々にポンピングして、授乳中でも問題ない痛み止めと消炎剤、ペニシリンを投与してもらって帰ってきました。 今も右のオッパイは石でも入ってるみたいに重いし、とっても痛いけど、痛み止めのおかげで、なんとか我慢できる程度にはおさまってきました。それでもまだ痛くて痛くて直接授乳は出来ないから昨夜は12:00am、3:00amと起きて搾乳して哺乳瓶での授乳です。まだ炎症はおさまってないから、ミルクは思う様には出てくれないけど、搾乳を続けていればだんだん良くなって来るそうです。


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

5/24/11 - Julian's sleeping in bassinet

Julian slept in his bassinet this morning! Yay! He has been sleeping at bouncer or swing or baby car-seat, and couldn't sleep in bassinet or crib yet.
He is 1 month old now, and maybe become little mature to sleep on flat surface now?! I hope so~! (^○^)

さすが満1ヶ月?!! Julianは今朝授乳後の数時間、Bassinet で寝ました。今までは、ベビーベットやBassinetは嫌いでバウンサーやカーシート、スウィングなど振動のある物でないと寝られなかったのに。チョット成長したのかな?

Julian in his bassinet :)

Julian sleeps at bouncer. Ringo was checking on Julian :)

Julian naps at swing. Ringo was sleeping on sofa

Julian sleeps in baby car-seat !

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5/24/11 - Started Julian's Blog

I created a blog page about my son Julian today!
I'm not sure about blog posts well yet, but I will try my best to capture Julian's milestones and my journals as a mom here!


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Monday, May 23, 2011

5/23/11 - Julian's 1 Month Birthday

Today 5/23/2011 is Julian's 1 month birthday!
He was already very happy in this morning at 6:00am after nursing o(^▽^)o