Tuesday, July 31, 2012

7/31/12 - Juju's new haircut for Japan

Juju got a hair cut by his special hairstylist: Mommy at the family barber :) Juju looks much grown up after the hair cut. Mommy misses little baby Juju~!



Mommy did a good job, right?

Monday, July 30, 2012

7/30/12 - Preparing for Trip to Japan

Juju and Mommy will go to Japan on Friday, so Mommy was busy packing, but it's not so easy with Juju :( Juju is so curious about the suitcase. He can't stop getting in and out!! Then he played with Ringo's water bow and got totally wet l!

Juju in the suitcase

Juju getting into the suitcase again

Juju playing with Ringo's water bowl

Licking the water bowl?!! NO :)  He was just closely looking inside of the water bowl :)

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7/30/12 - Julian can use a big spoon

Julian loves using a big spoon. Even when Juju is loosing interest at dinner, if he got a big spoon, he can eat very well! Of course, Juju can use spoon very well?....(yeah kinda :) anyway, he loves using his big spoon so much!


Broccoli, karaage (Japanese fried chicken) & tofu

Juju is a good eater!

Yum Yum Yum
Juju moves his head side to side when he loves the food
Spoon time!
Juju eats rice by big spoon
I can eat by myself
Almost gone!
Good job, Juju!
Big spoon is the best! Yay!
Rice boy!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

7/28/12 - Diving into the water: Last day of swimming lesson

Juju successfully finished his swimming lessons on 7/28. Julian has never afraid of water from the beginning of the class, and now he can float his body with Mommy's little support or using a swimming noodle. Also, Juju can dive into the water really well!
Julian will be a good swimmer really soon for sure!

Let's jump in, Juju!
You can do it!
OK! 1, 2, JUMP!
Yay! You did it!
Now, Let's swim!
Good job!
Stretch your body, and relax!
 Kick Kick Kick!
OK! JuJu! Let's jump! You can do it!
How about Mommy holds your hands?
OK, 1, 2......
Yay! You did it!
Good Job Juju!!
Mommy and Dada are really proud of you!!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

7/26/12 - Julian's after dinner treat = popcorn

Julian loves popcorn! He ate his dinner really well (as usual), so he deserves popcorn (tonight) !
ジュリアンは、ポップコーンが大好き。いつも通り晩ご飯をしっかり食べたジュジュ。えらいぞ〜! なので、今日は特別にポップコーンがデザートです。

Just a little bit of popcorn for little Juju after dinner!
Juju is so happily looking at his popcorn :)
Juju~! Use your hand to eat! You can't put your entire face into the container
Okay~(-_-;) that could be another way to eat without using a hand....

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7/26/12 - Julian's school bag

Julian has his school bag which his auntie Chi-chan bought for him to bring Nanny's every day. He has a daily log notebook, a jacket, a cap and etc in the bag. Juju wants to carry the bag by himself now...Juju is no more a baby :)

Come on Mama, this way!

No Mama, I want to play at the playground!

Don't worry! I can carry my bag!

Let's go Mama! ってか、引きずり過ぎ〜

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

7/24/2012 - Julian's new favorite; watermelon

Julian loves watermelon very much!! He puts big piece of watermelon in his mouth, and eats & drools at same time :) When he is eating his watermelon, he looks so happy :) See....

I can't talk right now that my mouth is full
Yum Yum
I love watermelon!
Give me more~
I love licking a fork too

Monday, July 16, 2012

7/16/12 - Julian at Doggy Door

Recently Julian has been soooo~ busy going out on deck and coming back to the kitchen through the doggy door :) Today, Juju kept escaping and sneaked back into the kitchen through doggy door AGAIN .... over and over......
BUT, Juju ~ LOOK! The slide-droop was widely open right front of you....so, why doggy door.....( ̄ー ̄)

ジュリアンは、ドッグドアから裏庭へ脱出して、またこっそりキッチンにドッグドアを通り抜けて戻ってくるのが大好き。目を離すと、あっという間に、すぐガラス戸の向こうサイドデッキを突っ走って、裏庭へ!! 今日も、ジュジュは脱出作戦実行中。出たり入ったり大忙しです。 ......ってか、ジュジュ~! なんで、ドッグドアなんだよ〜! ガラス戸、普通に開いてるんですけど( ̄ー ̄)

Julian is checking the doggy door again
Okay, Buddy I am following you!
And let's come back in!
Okay~! Welcome back Juju~!

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