Friday, September 7, 2012

Julian the master of the big slide!

Juju and Mommy go to a play ground at an elementary school with Ringo in the weekday evenings. Juju likes playing at the play ground so much. Today, Dada, Mommy and Ringo went there together.

Julian climbed and slid the big slide on his own at first time today!! Yay!

At first, he tried to slide from head, it didn't work so well, and Dada had to run to catch Juju. But at 3rd time, finally Juju figured it out on his own! Now Juju can slide the big slide alone! He had so much fun there!

ジュジュとマミーは、リンゴを連れて、平日の夕方たいてい毎日近所の小学校までお散歩します。ジュジュは、三輪車に乗って(マミーに押してもらって)学校に行って、滑り台や、ジャングルジムで遊ぶのが大好き! とはいっても、小学生用の滑り台やブランコはジュジュにはまだちょと大きすぎるんですが.... でも、ジュジュは、ヘッチャラです!

Mommy! Follow me!
Juju climbing to the top of slider
Yay! He did it!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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