Tuesday, October 23, 2012

10/23/12 - Julian's 18month Birthday

Today was Dada's 42 year & Julian's 18 month birthday! Juju helped Nanny Jen for making Dada's birthday cake!

Juju helping making a cake!

Jen said Juju was better cook than herself :)

Dada and Mommy picked up Juju and tried to go to Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate his 18 month b-day, but he didn't want any part of it.  

Even after back to home, Juju was still crying for a while.....

I'm tired~!

So, Mommy called Ampanman for a help! As Anpanman always makes Juju happy......

Julian's 18 month Birthday Treat

Juju is happy now

Juju, the happy face watching Anpanman on TV!

Juju got happier having the cake for a dinner!!

Yum Yum!


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