Saturday, January 12, 2013

1/12/13 - Julian's peaceful flight

Juju didn't cry at all in the airplane of the way back from Japan for 10 hour and half! The flight was delayed for 2 hours was a big help! Juju could play a lot with Grandpa in the airport, and also played at Kids play area at International Gate. So, when we boarded into the airplane, Juju was already tired and ready to sleep. Juju stayed quietly at his seat and played IPad game unile the departure. Then, he had some milk, and watched Ampanman DVD. When he got tired of IPad and DVD, he drank milk again, and slept for over 5 hours. After he woke up, he watched Lilo and Stitch movie with wearing headphone!  He got several drink services from flight attendants during the flight, and also ate rice balls, omelet, cucumber and Anpanman potato fries which Mommy made in the morning at Grandma's and brought to the flight.

Remembering the flight to Japan which was a nightmare ...... Juju didn't want to stay at his seat, cried and screamed, walked in the aisles back and force so many times.....Juju showed amazing improvement after staying for 3 weeks in Japan.

The returning flight was unbelievably easy and peaceful for Mommy. As a matter of fact, Mommy could watch 2 movies from beginning to end without any distractions! Juju, You were well behaved! Mommy was proud of you!

ジュリアンは、日本から帰って来る10時間半の飛行機の中、全く泣きませんでした!! 飛行機の出発が2時間ほど遅れ、ジュジュは、飛行場の中をジイジイと散々散歩して廻り、そのあとは、 マミーとゲート近くの「KIX KIDS’ROOM」でも、散々遊びました!


3週間前、日本に向かう時のジュジュとは大違いです。ジュジュは、日本行きの飛行機の中では、離陸前に既に大泣きし、ほんの少しの間IPadのゲームやアンパンマンのDVDのおかげでおとなしくしていましたが、長くはじっとシートに座っていられず、大泣きし、通路を走り回り、とってもたいへんだったのに。ジュジュは日本に居た3週間の間に驚くほどの成長を見せてくれました。着陸直前、寝てしまったジュジュを、抱っこしてたくさんの荷物を持って飛行機脱出は、ちょっと大変だったけど..... もうすぐ2歳のジュジュの成長ぶりにマミーはとっても鼻高々です。

Juju playing with Poo at Kid's Room in Kansai Airport
Don't hit Poo!
Juju's "Ouch" pose.....今回日本で、新しく覚えた”アイタタタタ”
 Juju loves mirror
Lots of toys in the Kid's Room
Out side was really cold in Japan, but inside building was really warm, so Juju got rosey cheek
Yay! HIKOKI = Airplan
Okay~! Juju was getting tired already....
Juju watching Lilo & Stitch movie with wearing headphone

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