Sunday, June 30, 2013

6/30/13 - Julian's Ouch

Since Juju started daycare, Juju has been so affectionate to Mommy .... He gives lots of lots of big hugs, kisses and  wants to stay close to Mommy all the time. He also claims "Ouch!" very often. He is not hurt, but just wants to get Mommy's attention. 
Juju's learned many good things at daycare. He can tell "More" by saying and sign-language. He can tell Mommy "Pee-Pee" when he did poop or pee-pee :)
I love Julian soooo much! You are very smart, cute, and sweet son I can ever wish for!! Mommy loves you sooooo much much!


"Mmmmm Ma!"Juju giving Mommy Kisses :)
Juju saying "Mommy~! Ouch! Ouch!"
"Mama! Pee-Pee"

Saturday, June 29, 2013

6/29/13 - Play Date with Saku-chan at California Academy of Science Museum

Juju had a play-date with Saku-chan at California Academy of Science Museum. They had a really fun time together!

Juju had already a good time while waiting for Saku-chan and Yoko-chan :)
Juju saying "EBI" = Shrinp
Juju & Saku-chan had a fun chasing each other rather than watching fish
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A new friend?

Juju is so excited wearing gloves

Yay! Yay!

Juju has learned "pretending" at daycare. So, he can play with toys without actually putting them in his mouth

Juju wants to become a Captain like Papa!
Juju and Saku-chan wanted to pay same things....
Good job guys! Stop fighting and sharing blocks

Saku-chan & Juju got into boat shaped Seesaw together :)

Playing together

Juju and Saku-chan want to see zebras together

No! I am watching this now :)

Anyway, they are always together :)
We saw lots of butterflies

Oh No~! Butterfly is attacking me~!
After the museum, played at park too

Thursday, June 27, 2013

6/26/13 - Julian @ Corner Yogurt

Juju has been so brave and patient going to daycare and getting used to new environment and life style. He still cris every morning, but we are so proud of his everyday challenges! So, Mommy took Juju to his favorite sweets store :) Yes! He totally deserves treat! 

保育園、泣きながら毎日頑張ってるジュジュ…大好きなSweets Store "Corner Yogurt" でリラックスです〜!今日は、いつもよりちょっと多めだよ :)
Lots of sweets & candies to chose from
NO! (I don't share!) (These are) Bubu's !!! .... that's Juju said
Little bit of everything except chocolate or sticky candies ... Yes, these are Mommy's choice for Juju :)
Julian's favorite: Gummy Worms
Juju checking out people getting frozen yogurt and maybe thinking "Gummy Worms are much better than that!" .... Juju doesn't like frozen yogurt or ice-cream.
Yum yum :)

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

6/25/13 - Julian's 2nd week at daycare

Juju still cries really hard every morning when Dada drops him off at daycare. Juju is still having a hard time to get used to new daycare environment, but slowly improving .... a little by little. Today, he finally ate 1/4 apple and a few crackers from his lunch!!! It was a big step comparing that he had most never touched his lunch last week! Mommy was so happy and almost cried when she saw the apple was gone from Julian's lunch container today! Good job Juju! 

Also, Juju has learned new things and vocabularies in a week already! For example.....he says "more" when he wants more something..... he got some new words such as bubble, purple, eye, Bubu ball (Juju's ball), etc... He says "peepee" when his diaper is wet. Mommy is proud of you, Juju!! 

ジュジュの保育園2週間目。相変わらず毎朝、保育園へ着いてダダが帰る時、ものすごい勢いで大泣きします。お弁当も先週は初日にちょこっと食べた以外は、全くの手つかず。まだ保育園生活に馴染めず、葛藤の日々が続いています。でも、少しづつ頑張っているようです! 今日も、お弁当は食べれなかったけど、デザートのリンゴ1/4とクラッカー数枚は食べてくれたみたいです。リンゴのなくなったタッパーウェアを見たとき涙が出そうになりました。新しい言葉も幾つか覚え、もっと欲しい時は「More!More!」、オシッコしてオムツが濡れたら、「ピーピー」って言って伝えられるようになりました。小ちゃいながら、頑張ってるんだなぁって感動です。

On a way to Mommy's car from daycare today, Juju pointed flowers and said "Mama, Purple! Purple!"

He pointed a red rosé, and said "AKA"!
(Aka means red in Japanese)

Hungry Juju ate lunch in the car on a way home. He had no problem to finish everything in the lunch box with Mommy :) Hopefully he will be able to eat well at daycare soon. 

Yum yum 
キュウリなのに、「アップル!」って言って食べてます :)

He got A new Anpanman book from Ji-Ji (Grandpa in Japan) today!

Juju was reading the book out laud.
"Mama! Ki !" ( = ki means tree in Japanese.)  運転してるマミーに向かって「ママ!ママ! 木!木!」って木の形したキャラクター指差して大はしゃぎです〜!

Juju was so stoked on the book! 

Monday, June 24, 2013

6/24/13 - Julian's 1st Day at Japanese/ Art Class

Today was Julian's 1st day at Japanese/ art class! Yay! 
He will learn Japanese language, reading/ spelling/ writing of simple words, social skills, basic counting, singing etc through creative and interactive activities and art projects with classmates and Japanese teachers. Mommy was little worried if Juju could accommodate himself to another new environment in addition to his still adopting his new life at daycare right now. Well, Julian was little cried after Mommy dropped him off at the class in the morning. But his teachers said that he stopped crying by himself after a while, and observed and tried many different toys and things in the class room. He did a really good job as his 1st day at class!! The class room is really clean and cute, and teachers are very kind. Hoping Juju will make some new friends there and will enjoy learning Japanese :)

Mommy secretly took a picture from outside of class room :) If Juju saw Mommy, he would cry... So shhhhhhh
Juju enjoyed trying out new toys :)
Juju cried when he saw Mommy at end of class :(
