Monday, June 17, 2013

6/17/13 - Julian's 1st Day at Daycare

Today was Julian's 1st day at daycare. Juju woke up early, and had breakfast with Mommy. Then, Dada took Juju to daycare with bunch of stuff ... lunch, sippy cup, blanket, pillow, his sock-monkey,  diapers, extra cloth & shoes, etc....

Juju on his way to the 1st day at daycare .... Still holding a milk bottle :)

Juju cried little bit when he was leaving at home, but he didn't cry when Dada dropped him off at daycare! Yay! Good job, Juju!

But after Dada left, Julian was little sad . He was pointing at the door and saying "IKO (行こう) = Let's Go. Mama. Mama....IKOfor about 45 minutes..... But teachers said over all Julian did well at daycare today. He had a little bit of morning snack (graham crackers) and didn't cry too much except nap time that he didn't know what to do when other kids were going to sleep. But after a while with teacher's tapping his back, Juju fell asleep and slept well for an hour and half :)

Juju didn't eat at all at lunch time, but they offered again his lunch after nap, and he ate all mini rice-balls (4) and cucumber (he loves those) He only had  a bite of omelet, but didn't eat fried chicken nor strawberry nor apple.... I'm not sure how much he had a box of milk but it was gone :) And pretzels which Mommy put in lunch bag just in case if Juju didn't eat his lunch... were gone too! Juju did pretty well at eating too :)

Juju made a friend already! Who is teacher, Michael. Juju liked teacher Michael a lot! said other teachers, and teacher Michael said we are buddies  now! Overall Juju's 1st day at daycare was not so horrible, and seems he had some good time today! As a matter of fact, Juju didn't want to leave when Mommy came to pick him up.

By the way, Mommy got a bit shocked that Juju looked very dirty when she saw him at end of the day at daycare!! 
Σ(゚д゚lll)He had never been that much dirty with Nanny :) LOL

迎えに行った時には、顔も洋服も泥んこ!! 帰ろうっていうマミーにNO!! っていうくらいだから、楽しかったんでしょうね。 よかった。

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