Monday, June 10, 2013

6/10/13 - Julian's going to daycare from next week


まずは、早寝早起き。今まではナニーのところで、ゆっくりめの朝ごはんを食べていたジュジュですが、早寝して、朝早起きして朝ごはんを食べてから出かける練習中。まだ、朝はおねむのジュジュですが、泣かずに準備出来るようになるかなぁ? そして、週2、3回、保育園に数時間行って新しい環境や先生に慣れることも練習中。まだ、マミーやダダがいなくなると、しばらく泣いちゃうけど、お外で遊ぶのは大好きなようです。一番大きな変化は、お弁当。今までは、マミーが1週間分調理したものを、その日のジュジュの体調や気分に合わせてナニーが温めて食べさせてくれていたけれど、これからは毎日を弁当を持って保育園へ。テーブルに着席して自分でお弁当を残さず食べれるように練習中。ジュジュ大丈夫かなぁとマミーの心配は尽きません…

Julian is graduating from Nanny and
going to daycare from next week. Julian's Nanny, Jen has been taking really good care of him, but Juju will have to step up and will need to be little more independent in daycare..... So, Mommy, Daddy and Nanny made some plans for Julian's practicing new things for the daycare.

First, Juju is practicing waking up little earlier and having breakfast at home instead of having it at Nanny's place later. Also, Juju went to daycare for a couple hours for getting familiar with the place. He did it a few times already in past weeks, and will do a few more times this week. He cried a little bit when Mommy and Daddy left, but other than that he was having a good time, said teachers in the daycare. The big change is about lunch. Mommy always gave her home cooked food to Nanny, and Jen warmed the food and helped Juju to eat. But Juju will bring packed lunch every day to the daycare. So, from this week, Juju is bringing a packed lunch to Nanny's and practicing eating it at table instead of siting at highchair. 
Julian's lunch in Anpanman containers 

Julian's practicing having lunch with siting at mini table instead of at highchair

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