Sunday, September 29, 2013

9/29/13 - Julian's table manner

It's just a special occasion only on the weekend that Mommy let Juju to eat dinner with watching movie.....but at least can you sit straight ?!! No more special occasion for Juju!

映画みてるの止めると、ごね出してご飯どころじゃなくなるので、日曜日だし特別にソファーで晩ご飯でもいいかなって思ったら… これはひどい!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

9/21/13 - Mama I want this!

It's rainy outside. We were going to watch movie and RELAX at home. While Mommy choosing a movie from On Demand, Juju and Ringo were playing and Juju started crying really laud .....(-。-; Juju said "Mama! Ringo bite me !" 
Juju can say a little sentence like that reacently :) So cool! Anyway, Juju was ok after crying and blaming for Ringo for a while, ready for watching movie. 

Mommy picked an animation movie for Juju. Then Juju said "NO! Mama!" He pointed "Escape from planet Earth" and said "I WANT THIS!" 
OMG! Juju, I didn't know you can say that!! Juju surprised Mmommy again :) 
So, even though we already watched that one, here you go Escape from planet Earth again! 

Julian's favorite #1

Julian's favorite #2

Don't pick nose Juju (>人<;)
最近、ジュジュは色々おしゃべりするようになってきました。日本語と英語 (英語の方が多いかなぁ?)まぜまぜですが… 単語だけじゃなく、文章もお話すようになって来たので、時々驚かされます。"Ringo bite me!" "I want this!" 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

9/14/13 - Julian's wheel

I fixed Juju's lunch, and I was going to do dishes while he eats. But Juju kept saying "wheel! wheel!" behind me.
I was not sure what's going on.

Juju took a mini fan, and used it toward his food....I guess Juju's lunch was too hot : ) haha

"Too Hot !!"

"Okay! Now I can eat." Probably that Juju was thinking.


9/14/13 - Juju made an airplane!

Juju loved playing with wooden blocks. This morning, Juju said "Mama! He~!" and showed me the one he just made which looked like Hikouki (= airplane) ! Cool! He made an airplane!! 
ジュジュは最近トントンブロックに夢中。何かしら意味不明の物体に組み立てて、「アーンパンチ!」などと言っては、アンパンマンとバイキンマンが戦ってる様子を空想して遊んでいます。今日は、ちょっとレベルアップ。「ママー!ヒー!(飛行機)」と言って持って来たのは、本当に飛行機風! スゴイ‼ と感動! 完璧親バカです(⌒-⌒; )

ちなみにこれはレーザー銃? 「ビービービービー!」って言って遊んでます…

Saturday, September 7, 2013

9/6/13 - Julian at Daycare

金曜日は、ホットランチデーで申し込めば、保育園の給食が食べられます。ジュジュは、まだ決まったもんしか食べないので頼んだこと無かったけど、9月から挑戦! 給食第1回目はピザ!
最近、ピザって言えるようになったジュジュは、(実際は、ピッパとしか言えませんが…) デイケアでのピザがたいへんお気に召したようで、ピッパ、ピッパと連発です。

Julian started having Friday's hot lunch at daycare from this month. As Juju is more getting used to daycare, he might be comfortable eating same food with other kids.... that Mommy thought. Today's menu was pizza! He finished his pizza and wanted more! that his teacher told Mommy :) 

お迎えに行って隠し撮り! アフタヌーンスナックタイムで、レーズン食べてました。
Mommy took a picture before Juju noticed Mommy was there. It was afternoon snack time :)

Juju was well sitting at table, and quietly eating his snack with other kids. Good job, Juju!

カップの底のレイズン、なかなか取れません :)
It's hard to get raisins from bottom of small cup :) 

9/6/13 - Julian loves pizza

Julian's language skill has increased a lot!day by day!  He has learned many new vocabularies and says new words everyday!

His favorite word in last week was "Gohan (rice)". He says "Go-Ga-N" and eats lots of rice!
The word of this week is PIZZA! Juju says "pippa" though....

He had pizza at daycare yesterday and he was very excited about it :)
He keeps saying "Pippa" and plays with his pizza toy all the time now :)

Juju loves cutting pizza and serving them to Dada & Mama :)


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

9/3/13 - Julian didn't cry at Daycare!!

Mommy received very happy text message from Dada this morning!!
"No cry today!" = Juju didn't cry when Dada dropped him off at daycare this morning! This was Julian's 1st time "No Cry"  at daycare!! Juju said to Dada "Bye-bye Dada" without tears when Dada was leaving daycare !!!!! Good Job! Juju!!

Well, Juju was grumpy this morning (as usual) when he was leaving home with Dada. Mommy told Juju "Papa's gonna pick you up after nap! So, you will play with your friends, eat lunch, and take a nap at daycare! When you wake up, soon Papa will be there! Okay?"  Juju excitingly said "Papa!", and then he was ok to go to daycare. 

On a way to daycare, Dada has been telling Juju the same things with Mama, and reminded Juju that he's gonna have a lot of fun with his friends! 

Julian has been getting used to daycare environment little by little. Also, Julian getting better understanding what he is told. 
Anyway, Julian's no tears in this morning made Dada and Mommy really happy!! 

Thanks Juju for being so brave and patient in the new environment. We are very very proud of you!




Monday, September 2, 2013

9/2/13 - Julian without pants :(

We were going out fir breakfast! Yes! Juju wanted to go out!  But Oh! No! he didn't want to wear his pants :(  Mommy finally made him wear pants before arriving at the restaurant :)

今日は休日。ジュジュは朝から行こう!行こう!と大張り切り! で、近所のブレックファーストレストランへ行くことにしたにですが、ジュジュはパジャマのズボンは脱いだけど、パンツ履くの嫌がり断然拒否!ジュジュ、ブーツ履いてパンツ履かずに出発です。(≧∇≦)なんとかレストランにつくまでにパンツ装着成功! 一件落着‼