Wednesday, October 16, 2013

10/16/13 - Sports Day

Today is Sports Day at Julian's daycare! Kids should wear their favorite team or sports attire :) Of course Juju wore SF Giants outfit! 

But Juju was pretty grumpy when we were leaving home. He wanted to stay home with Buzz and Woody instead of going to daycare..... Even Juju's favorite rabbit cookies couldn't cheer him up .....
Juju was crying and saying "Buzz  Woodie....."

"No Mama! Get out!" that's Juju said...

But once Juju got into Mommy's car, he was fine. Juju sung Anpanman songs  and said "Mama, Chika, How ya going?" !! 

Juju was smiling and run into daycare! 
Juju gave Mommy a kiss and joined his friends to play!  No crying at daycare anymore!

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