We started Julian's potty training again from yesterday. It was Sunday, he mostly spend time without diaper nor pants, and it's working!! Amazingly he tells me "Mama! I need to go to bathroom!" (≧∇≦)
Juju wears diaper at school and when he sleeps at night, but in the morning and after school, he has no diaper, no pants :)
He had some accidents yesterday. And there were still many false alerts (he said peepee!!! But nothing comes out :), but Juju actually did use toilet 4 times today!
ジュジュのトイレトレーニング再開です! 今回は、日曜日からお家では、パンツもズボンもなしで過ごしています。パンツやズボン履いちゃうと、オムツと同じ感覚でしちゃうので…
初日は、少々アクシデントもありましたが、この作戦は、かなり上手くいってます!「ママ〜! アイ ニード ゴー トゥ バスルーム〜‼︎」って大慌てで知らせてくれます。今日は4回もトイレで出来ました!まだ、プレスクールと寝る時は、ダイパーしてるけど、そのうちダイパー要らなくなるといいねぇ(^O^)
Juju brings Woddy & Buzz for mental support for his toilet training :) They help making him relax at toilet....
Juju can get Anpanman stickers on his notebook when he went to bathroom (regardless of success or not success :)
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