Thursday, September 29, 2011

9/29/11 - Juju's Happy Morning with Hello Kitty Rabbit

Julian is a morning person. He is very happy every morning, and plays with his toys in crib until going to Nanny's place with Dadda.

This morning, he's playing with Hello Kitty Rabbit.

Funny face :)

What are you looking at?

Julian's looking at the window that Mommy opened the curtains.

Yawn face :)

Oh~Juju, You are too cute!!

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

9/25/11 - Auntie Chi-chan See You Soon Again !!

Auntie Chi-chan went back to Japan today. We had lots of fun together!
We miss you, Chisa :( 
 I'm looking forward to seeing you in December again!!

Juju, Mommy and Daddy took Chi-chan to SFO airport this morning.
We had a breakfast together at the airport.

Mommy is sad and missing Chi-chan after she left. 

Julian played with his toys on Chi-chan's bed after coming back from the airport.

The blanket was totally wet by Julian's drooling......

Julian took over 3 hours of long nap after that (( _ _ ))..zzzZZ

ジュジュに会いに来てくれてどうもありがとう。前回ジュジュが生まれたとき同様、今回もちいちゃんには本当に助けられたよ。妹がいて良かったなぁっ て、また思ったよ。いっぱいジュジュを抱っこしてくれて、オムツを替えて、ミルクをやって、洗い物、洗濯、何でもやってくれてありがとう。

ショッピングも観光もジュジュが一緒だといつもより大変だったけど、でもめっちゃ楽しかったね。ジュジュもリンゴもちいちゃんが大好きです。また、絶対、絶対、絶 対来てね。

ジュジュは、空港から戻って、知佐のベッドでしばらく遊んだ後、3時間余りの長いお昼寝をしたよ。ジュジュは、お昼寝の後、ミ ルクも飲んでおむつも替えたのに、グズグズぐずって嘘泣き。ちいちゃんはもう帰っちゃったんだよって、ジュジュにいいながら、マミーも半泣きです。今度は冬休みに、ジュジュと日本に帰るの楽しみにしています。どうもありがとね〜。

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

9/24/11 - Old Lobster Shack with Chi-chan

We went to Old Lobster Shack with Chi-chan. The food was delicious!
Chi-chan is going back to Japan tomorrow morning. Thank you Chi-chan for helping Mommy and Daddy to take care of Julian. We had really good times with you!


9/24/11 - Juju with his favorite friends

Juju was playing his favorite toys today :)

 Kiss Kiss ♥


Kiss Kiss ♥ to Anpan-mam


Hi, Mommy!

9/24/11 - Julian's Teeth

Julian's cute 2 teeth are growing :)

Friday, September 23, 2011

9/23/11 - Happy 5month Julian's Sleeping on Tummy

Today is Julian's 5 month Birthday. He is growing bigger and smarter every day.

Julian fell asleep by himself in crib without being mommy rocks him to sleep this morning. He rolled over and got fussy at lying on his tummy but he made himself comfortable and back to sleep!
Mommy was very patient not to pick up Julian from crib when he got fussy, and let him try managing the situation by himself. And he did it! Good job buddy!!
But Mommy feels that please stop growing so fast!! Stay longer as possible in my arms, my little baby!



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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

9/21/11 - Sausalito with Chi-chan

Julian went to Sausalito with Chi-chan & Mommy.

Happy Julian in crib in the morning.
Julian didn't know yet that we were gonna have a lot of fun today!

Julian's first Muni train

Took pictures with Bay Bridge

Beautiful day at San Francisco

Julian's first taking the ferry to Sausalito

We enjoyed beautiful weather and view of the bay

Yay! We arrived at Saualito!

Lunch @ Scoma's Sausalito

Julian was sleeping most of time at Sausalito 
(mー_ー)m.。o○ zZZZ

Dessert time!

Ice-cream is Julian's favorite!

Julian's still little sleepy, but very happy after ice-cream

We took the ferry again to go back to San Francisco.

Ferry Building

We had a wonderful day today!
San Francisco was getting little cold at evening :)

9/20/11 - Julian & Chi-chan

Julian's having a lot of fun with Chi-chan

Watching Anpan-man (Japanese Catoon) DVD with Chi-chan


Dinner with Chi-chan at Renzo

 Chocolate Souflle at Renzo Yummy!

イタリアンレストラン Renzoのチョコレートスフレ。美味しかった!

 Julian is really into his new toy that Chi-chan got for him. 
Julian is usually not comfortable in a prone position yet, but today, 
he was lying on his stomach and played with the new toy quite long time. 


Julian likes falling asleep in Chi-chan's arms.


Chi-chan's shoulder has been wet because of Juian.
Sorry, Chi-chan

After playing in early morning, Julian fell asleep with Chi-chan & Ringo.


Mommy likes Chi-chan's Onigiri (rice-ball). 
Chi-chan made lots of Onigiri for her.


Julian loves rice cereal. 
He enjoyed his favorite meal with Chi-chan.


Julian likes plastic bag's scratching sound. 
He was playing with Chi-chan's big Doritos!


Chi-chan & Mommy had a movie & pizza night.
Juju stayed at home with Dadda.


 Julian fell asleep at 9:00pm, right before 
Mommy and Chi-chan came back to home, and slept until midnight.
No play time with Mommy and Chi-chan tonight. 
Juju~, we missed you~ :(

マミー達とは、遊んでくれませんでした。残念! さみしいよう〜。