Tuesday, December 25, 2012

12/25/13 - Julian's 2nd day in Japan

It was Julian's 2nd day & his 1st Christmas in Japan today. It's very cold here in Japan. Juju is still little tired and catching a bit of a cold because of the long flight, and sudden temperature change from SF to Japan. He is ok, but having just a little runny nose. We had a nice relaxed day at home, and Juju played a lot with his new toys which he got from Santa and his Japanese family for his 1st Christmas in Japan.
Julian slept with his new toys last night
OK! Let's play!
Juju watching TV with holding his new knit cap made by Greate-grandma
Breakfast! Juju ate a lot!
Juju got lots of cool hand down clothes from Mommy's friend's twin boys in Tokyo!  Everything was so cool and look almost even brand new! Yay!
Juju showing his happy dance with his new outfit!

Julian's most favorite gift from Tokyo was a pair of rain boots! He can't put shoes on by himself yet, but wanted try them on anyways.....
Juju got mad at Mommy tried help....(-_-;)
Today's Julian's 2nd outfit from Tokyo. Juju's driving practice continues...
Yes, Juju still driving Anpanman Police Car
ジュジュ、ひいばあばあに、ドライビングテクニックを披露中 ( ̄▽ ̄)
OK, Baba, Let me show you how to drive this
今の隅でアンパンマン クリスマスブーツのラムネを部屋の隅っこでひとり食べるジュジュ。1っコもくれません( ̄▽ ̄)
Juju eating toddler candies from Anpanman Christmas boot alone at a corner of living room
Juju tried to wear this paper boots as well ( ̄▽ ̄;)
Juju & Great-grandma playing with balls
Mommy must keep an eye on Juju as he keeps finding new things to play with which he should not.......When Mommy was looking away just a second, Juju spilled tea on floor (>o<;)
Oh uh! I made a mess! Sorry Mommy~!
Juju going to grocery shopping with wearing his new down jacket which was also from Tokyo!
Juju and Greate-grandma at grocery store
Juju playing with another Anpanman toy :) Juju~, Be nice to Anpanman~!!

Then dancing in Great-grandma's room...... :)

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