Juju helping putting away Christmas tree and ornaments |
Okay! It's done! |
A break with milk |
Julian's new favorite = playing with real phone (^o^;) |
ジィジィが、来るのを待ちかねて、退屈のジュジュ。マミーとちょっとだけ公園に行くことにしました。でも最近は、なぜか帽子嫌いのジュジュ。折角ひいおばあが編んでくれたニットキャップも、絶対に拒否! 何度かぶせようとしても、投げ捨てられてしまいます。でも、日本の冬は寒いんです。 外に出てすぐ再チャレンジ!の作戦大成功!ジュジュヤッパリ寒かったのね。帽子とってもお似合いよ!
Juju usually doesn't like wearing any caps or hats. He didn't want to try on a knit cap which Great-Grandma knitted for him. But, outside was very cold today. So, as soon as going outside, Juju accepted to wear the knit cap.
Juju wearing Great-Grandma's handmade knit cap |
Let's play! |
This slide is tall and steep.....Are you okay, Juju? |
Juju looked very small at the big slide |
Yay! He did it! |
Juju doesn't like sands on his hands :( |
Juju calling Mommy "Da~Da~!" |
ジィジィ登場! ジュジュ今回は、泣かずにジィジィと仲良しです。
Juju didn't cry to Grandpa this time :) |
Grandpa giving Julian a piggyback |
Happy Grandpa with Juju |
Juju and Grandpa on slide |
Grandpa was worried same as Mommy that the slide was tall and steep |
Juju was a "pro-slider" of the slide |
YAY! |
Juju slid the slide so may times |
Yay Yay Yay |
More .... |
And more.... |
Grandpa, juju & Setsuko-san |
Grandpa, Anpanman & Juju |
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