Wednesday, October 16, 2013

10/16/13 - Sports Day

Today is Sports Day at Julian's daycare! Kids should wear their favorite team or sports attire :) Of course Juju wore SF Giants outfit! 

But Juju was pretty grumpy when we were leaving home. He wanted to stay home with Buzz and Woody instead of going to daycare..... Even Juju's favorite rabbit cookies couldn't cheer him up .....
Juju was crying and saying "Buzz  Woodie....."

"No Mama! Get out!" that's Juju said...

But once Juju got into Mommy's car, he was fine. Juju sung Anpanman songs  and said "Mama, Chika, How ya going?" !! 

Juju was smiling and run into daycare! 
Juju gave Mommy a kiss and joined his friends to play!  No crying at daycare anymore!

Monday, October 14, 2013

10/14/13 - Julian's Halloween Costume #2 - Buzz Lightyear

Julian has been really into Toy Story recently. He talkes about Toy Story all day everyday. His most favorite charactor is Buzz Lightyear! So, Mommy has ordered Buzz Lightyear costume in addition to Firefighter costume which Mommy already got for him while ago :) Juju is very excited about his new costume and wanted to try it on right away! 

最近ジュリアンはToy Storyに夢中ですす。お気に入りは、Buzz Lightyear!あまりに夢中なので、ハロウィンコスチューム注文してみたら、大興奮! 早速、コスチューム着て、またToy StoryのDVDみています。

Our cute Buzz Lightyear! 

"Buzz fly!! " that Juju says all the time! :)

Buzz Lightyear is watching Toy Story :)

Sunday, October 13, 2013

10/13/13 - Julian's nite-nite with Cat in the hat & Koala Boots

最近は、着るものにかなりうるさいジュジュ。なんでか、Cat in the hatの帽子かぶって、コアラブーツ(去年は嫌がって履いてくれなかったのでまだ新しいからきれいでよかったけど…)を履いて寝るといいはり…お猿のぬいぐるみアビと安眠 ^^;  

Juju wanted to wear his "Cat in the Hat" hat and Koala boots tonight.... Nite-nite :)   

What Juju holding is his sleeping buddy, a monkey stuffed animal named "Abi" :) 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

10/8/13 - Using a cup

Now Juju can drink juice by cup :) He still likes sippy cup better than cup but if Dada was drinking a glass of something, Juju wanted to copy Dada :) 


乾杯! Juju likes doing KANPAI with Dada, but he says "Kaki~" instead of Kanpai :) Haha .... Close enough :)


10/8/13 - Juju didn't cry!

Dada texted Mommy a very good news this morning! 

"No cry at all today!"

Juju didn't cry at daycare when Dada dropped him off this morning!
Good job Juju! 

Thank you Dada for dropping him off at daycare every morning! It has been very hard for Dada and Mommy seeing or knowing Juju cries every morning at daycare.... especially for Dada leaving crying Juju there :(

Juju is making friends and having lots of fun at daycare! We are so proud of you, Juju :)

Juju at daycare (afternoon snack time) a couple week ago ... Juju was eating well ( cheese & crackers) and telling his friend "Sit down!" to come to sit next to him :) 
Cute :)

Sunday, October 6, 2013

10/6/13 - Nana's Birthday Party

Family got together for Nana's birthday. JuJuju practiced for a week and said to Nana "Happy Birth-Day, Nana" He did a good job!

最近色々上手におしゃべり出来るようになってきたジュジュ。頑張って練習して、「ハッピー バース デー ナナ」って言えました!

Ringo took a cracker Juju was eating

Juju cried and claimed "Ringo Bite!" to Uncle Scott.... but actually What Ringo bite was a cracker Juju was eating 

How Shawn Dada exercise everyday!



More up!

Down :)

Julian's smile makes everybody happy!

Hi Dada!

Happy Birthday Nana!

Happy Birthday Sandy! ~♪♪♪

Juju moved his chair right next to Nana as soon as he saw the cupcake!!

Juju helping Nana for tasting her birthday cupcake


This is good!

What Juju is doing next Uncle Scott?

Juju was playing with Uncle Scott's sunglasses ....
No Juju!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

10/1/13 - Julian without pants again

Julian is 2 year and 5 month and 1 week! Height: 94" 1/4, Weight: 34lb 
身長 94.5cm、体重 15.4kg
He is a sweet boy but terrible twos at the same time :) Today he demanded to go to park without wearing pants!

玄関前で「痛い痛い」と嘘泣き :(

"No! Mama! No!"
Juju said "Iko! (行こう!)" =let's go!
Juju and Dada run together 
Yum yum. Juju was hungry after running with Dada :)