Saturday, December 28, 2013

12/28/13 - Fiding Didi/ Visiting Nagai Park & Grandma

Juju was very grumpy this morning without Didi today. So, Mommy asked Juju if we could go out.... But grumpy Juju said "NO!" and he kept saying "I want Didi." Then, Mommy told Juju "Let's go to look for Didi!" Juju was very exited going out & finding Didi!

ディディは今日はお仕事。ディディが居ないので、ジュジュは朝からとってもご機嫌が悪い。遊びに行こうと言っても、”ノー!” そこで、ディディ探しに行く?と言ったら大張り切り!とにかくディディを探しに公園へ.......

1st Stop: Playground in Nagai Park..... Didi wasn't there....But Juju played a lot and had a lot of fun anyway :)

第1ストップ:長居公園。公園までの行き道、ジュジュは「ディディ〜どこ〜?」と 一生懸命さがしてました。でも、公園ではしっかり遊びました。

2nd Stop: MacDonald's: Juju looked for Didi there too,"Didi Doko~? Didi, Where are you?" ..... and Juju said "Mama, Inai yo Didi (Didi is not here)" :( Anyway, Juju happily had "Happy Set" (Chicken Nuggets, French Fries & Apple Juice)

第2ストップ:マクドナルド。ヤッパリここでも、はじめ「ディディ〜どこ〜? 居ないよディディ。」と探してました。でも、チキンナゲットとフライドポテトしっかり食べました。

3rd Stop: We walked back to Osaka Museum of Natural History in Nagai Park to see dinosaurs. Unfortunately, the natural history museum was closed until Jan 4th for New Year Holiday :( Juju had never forgotten to looked for Didi "Didi, Where are you?" on a way to the museum too.


4th Stop: Ba-Ba- (Grandma)'s place. Mommy called Ba-Ba- from subway station, but Juju told Mommy "NO Ba-Ba-! Call Didi"  Oh Well......Anyway, Ba-ba-was home, and we visited Ba-Ba- not Didi. Sorry Juju.
On a way to Baba's place, Juju didn't forget looking for Didi..... "Didi~! Where are you~?"  
Juju found Didi wasn't at Ba-ba-'s place, he got little upset :( But after taking bath with Ba-ba- and getting a popsicle, Juju was happy :)

第4ストップ:ばぁばぁの家。地下鉄の中でも、行き道でもジュジュは「ディディ〜どこ〜? 居ないよディディ。Didi~ Where are you?」と叫んでました。ばぁばぁのところにもディディは居なかったので、ちょっと不機嫌なジュジュ。ばぁばぁとお風呂は入って、アイスクリーム食べたら、すっかりご機嫌さん。

Going home: We found a fire-station on our way home! Juju likes firetrucks! Yay! However, Juju yelled toward to firetrucks "Didi~! Where are you~?" LOL  
Juju was still remembering that he was looking for Didi.

帰り道、消防署でたくさんの消防車発見!消防車大好きのジュジュは大興奮?!と思いきや、消防車に向かって「Didi~! Where are you~?」と叫んでました。ジュジュ、ホントにディディが大好きなんだね。今日はディディ見つからなくて残念だったね。ごめんね〜。明日はディディ遊んでくれるからね。

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