Monday, June 30, 2014

6/26/2014 - UWABAKI room shoes

Chisa  Hasegawa

プレスクールの先生に自分で脱ぎ着のしやすい上履きを持って来て下さいとダメ出しをもらった西松屋シューズ。(T ^ T)



(>人<;) 大き過ぎ〜!たかが上靴、されど上靴!難しい〜!


日本定番は諦めて、いっそ、思いっきりアメリカンなシューズにしてみたよ。これは、軽いし安いし、少し大き目のUS9ありました! ジュジュ自分で脱ぎ着出来ます! オールドネービー万歳!

Julian needed a pair of room shoes for preschool.  In Japan, kids have different shoes for inside and outside of school. Julian's Japanese/ English bilingual preschool requires kids to bring a pair of inside (room) shoes (UWABKI 上履き) too. It was hard to find a pair of shoes which is reasonable price, easy to wear & take off, light weight, soft material, and comfortable to wear everyday in the classroom....

Where I found it? Of course! Old Navy! Kim Sajnog

6/30/2014 - Julian and his Buzz Lightyear Helmet

Juju loves his Buzz Lightyear bike and helmet. Ever since he got them, he is all about Buzz bike and helmet. He wears the Buzz Lightyear helmet all the time except while he is in preschool and sleeping at night. 

バズライトイヤー 自転車とヘルメットが嬉しくて仕方ないジュジュ...... Preschool 行ってる間と寝てる時以外はほぼいつでもヘルメットかぶって自転車乗る気マンマンです。

When he goes to swimming class....
When he reads a book....
When he eats snacks ....
Of course when he ride bike!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

6/23/2014 - A Little Present for Julian's 1st day of Preschool

In America, there are big celebrations for Graduations, but not so much for starting new schools. In Japan we have graduation ceremonies & ceremonies for entering new schools! Also, kids receives gifts from family for entering new schools. Mommy wants to do just a little Japanese thing for Julian's 1st school celebration :) Juju and Mommy had Ice-cream date at Baskin Bobbins after 1st day of preschool today. And present was Toy Story Lego figures!! 
Happy 1st day of preschool Juju!!! 


6/23/14 - No diaper & No pants Potty Training

We started Julian's potty training again from yesterday. It was Sunday, he mostly spend time without diaper nor pants, and it's working!!  Amazingly he tells me "Mama! I need to go to bathroom!" (≧∇≦)
Juju wears diaper at school and when he sleeps at night, but in the morning and after school, he has no diaper, no pants :)
He had some accidents yesterday. And there were still many false alerts (he said peepee!!! But nothing comes out :), but Juju actually did use toilet 4 times today!

ジュジュのトイレトレーニング再開です! 今回は、日曜日からお家では、パンツもズボンもなしで過ごしています。パンツやズボン履いちゃうと、オムツと同じ感覚でしちゃうので…
初日は、少々アクシデントもありましたが、この作戦は、かなり上手くいってます!「ママ〜! アイ ニード ゴー トゥ バスルーム〜‼︎」って大慌てで知らせてくれます。今日は4回もトイレで出来ました!まだ、プレスクールと寝る時は、ダイパーしてるけど、そのうちダイパー要らなくなるといいねぇ(^O^)

Juju brings Woddy & Buzz for mental support for his toilet training :) They help making him relax at toilet....
Juju can get Anpanman stickers on his notebook when he went to bathroom (regardless of success or not success :)
オシッコトイレで出来たら (出来なくてもチャレンジしたら)、アンパンマンシールをノートに貼ります。トイレにバズとウディ持ち込むとチョットリラックス出来るみたいです。

Monday, June 23, 2014

6/23/14 - Julian's 1st day of preschool

It's Julian's 1st day of preschool today!
Also, he has been under the serious potty training since yesterday! This morning, he used bathroom at home before school! Yay! On the special day, Mommy took a picture at toilet, at home (red door) and at school entrance (glass door) (^O^)v Juju liked new bike at school! He started 1st day of his school with smile! Yay!


Saturday, June 21, 2014

6/21/14 - Julian's potty training

ジュジュのトイレトレーニング再スタート! 今回はパンツなしで、下着のみ!でも、トイレに行かないって言うのよねぇ〜…困ったもんだ。

Thursday, June 19, 2014

6/19/14 - Juju sleeps in his new room

Tonight, Juju said "I WANT SLEEP JUJU ROOM!!" ...... Really? Mommy wasn't sure if he can really sleep alone in his room....
We haven't bought his bed yet. Just a crib matress on floor in his room. But Juju seems liking it. Maybe because it's similar to how he takes naps at daycare?! 
Anyway, Juju took me to his room. He wanted his bear and rabbit which he had in his crib at old house. Funny thing is he remembers those kind little details very well. After a few lullabies Juju fell asleep there. I hope he will sleep through the night there......
Then, I'm gonna go to buy a kid's bed to IKEA!

ジュジュは今晩突然、自分の部屋で寝ると言い出しました。マジ? 無理なんじゃない?と思うママを横目に自分の部屋に移動して、I need my bear and rabbit! と前のお家でベビーベッドにあったテディーベアーとウサギの縫いぐるみを要求。なぜか、こういうどうでも良さそうなディテールを細かく覚えているジュジュです。ねんねこソング歌って背中トントンしてたら、寝ちゃいました。このまま朝まで一人で寝られるかなぁ? そしたら、IKEAにベッド買いに行こう…

やっぱり、夜中に起きて、ママ〜って泣くのかと思ったら、マイベアー!でした。脇にとばされてたベアーを渡してあげたらギューって抱っこして、コテって寝たよ… ベアーなのね…

Monday, June 16, 2014

6/16/24 - Julian's 3 year old check up

Juju had his 3 years old check up today!

Weight: 37lb 75percentile
Height: 39" 75percentile

体重  16.78kg
身長  99.06cm

He was all checked up fine! 

Juju was very polite and said "Hi" and "Thank you" to everybody at Dr's office. 
Of course, a good boy deserves ice cream! 

6/15/14 - Happy Father's Day 2014

Happy Father's Day for Dada & Papa! Thank you for being such caring and loving Dada and Papa for Julian! You are the best!

We had a Happy Father's Day at our new place! It was a fun family gathering :) I was ver happy that everybody enjoyed rexaing time at our new backyard, and BBQ! Thank you Dada for cooking BBQ at the party for you :) It was definitely a good reward for me too after preparing the party with lots of cleaning & organizing :) I love you!

Also, Dear my dad (Oto-San), 
Thinking of you on Happy Father's Day,
We miss you! We would like you and Sestuko-San to visit us soon!
We have a guest room now!! Wish your happy healthily long life! Hope to see you soon. 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

6/12/14 - Julian's 1st corn-dog

Juju had his 1st corn-dog ..... on bed! .... hmmm.... :(  

Anyway! He was really liking it :)

