Wednesday, July 30, 2014

7/30/2014 - Juju's learning Japanese

In Japanese, Papa means Father (Oto-san), but Juju calls his grandpa = Papa 
Now Juju is learning Japanese and he is totally confused Japanese naming convention 
Juju said ....
Dada = Ojiisan (Wrong! Dada is Oto-san)
Papa = Oka-san (Wong! Grandpa is Ojiisan) 
Mama = Gowo?? (Totally wrong. I have no idea what Gowow is??!! Mama is Oka-san)

Monday, July 28, 2014

7/28/2014 - Teaspbiuta



人参さんの後に、サクランボさん、椎茸さんが存在していたようです !!! Σ(・□・;)

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

7/16/2014 - Juju slept alone in his room through the night for the 1st time

Last night, Juju said "I want to sleep small bed!"
But Mommy didn't trust him, and said "You will wake up middle of the night, and cry and wake me up too!" But Juju insisted to sleep in his bed, and he slept in his room alone until morning at first time! Yay! Juju you did it!!! 

"I want to sleep small bed!"とジュジュ。夜中にママ〜泣いて、起こされるのではと半信半疑のママをよそにジュジュの決意はかたく……そしてなんと、朝6時まで自分の部屋でひとりで寝たよ〜! (≧∇≦)


Thursday, July 10, 2014

7/10/2014 - Juju went to preschool without diaper

Juju wanted to go to preschool without wearing diaper today. He said "I want small pants!" (Which means he wants to wear underwear not diaper) And he said "I want big pants too!" (Big pants mean his normal pants :)

Anyway, he left to preschool without wearing diaper at 1st time. Dada brought many extra pants and underwears with him just in case :) I wonder how he is doing at school .....

ジュジュ、今朝はディディと電話して調子付いのか、卵焼き食べて、オシッコして、small pants (ダイパーじゃなくてアンダーウェアのことをジュジュはそう呼びます)とビッグパンツ(アンダーウェアのパンツじゃなくて、ズボンのことをジュジュはそう呼びます)履いてプレスクール行くて言って…。今日は、ダイパー履かずにプレスクールに行ったけど…(着替えのsmall pants とbig pantsいっぱい持たせたけれど…) 大丈夫かなぁ?

プレスクールから帰って来たジュジュ。I'm ペコペコと言ってます。

I guess teacher changed his underwear to pull-ups when she helped him to go to bathroom :) Anyway, Juju came back wearing the same pants from the morning. He is improving little by little :)


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

7/8/2014 - Julian Hulk eats well

Juju wearing Hulk costume is eating dinner .... And said "Best ever!!!"
Mommy is glad that little Hulk is happy :)

Saturday, July 5, 2014

7/5/2014 - Juju speaks Japanese

先日は、「Mama, I want Juice! Juice!!!」と言うので、「そんな言い方じゃあげないよ。You know what you should say....」とPleaseという言葉を期待して言葉使いを正すと…
今日は、「Mama, I hungry~! 」って言った後、「アイ ペコペコ〜!」って言ってました。知らないうちに学んでるんだねぇ〜!


Since Jukian started Japanese/ English pre-school 2 weeks ago, he speaks more Japanese little by little :)

Kudasai = Please
Peko peko = Hungry
Dame = No/ Don't 
Onegai = Please
Kashite = Let me borrow

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

7/2/2014 - Juju and Ringo

Juju plays with Ringo. So cute.

Juju telling Ringo to sit righ next him on the bean chair together.

Juju looking for Mr Potato head's body parts which half of them were eaten by Ringo....

Juju holing his apples on one hand and talking to Ringo how to put Mr Potetohead body parts together. 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

6/8/2014 Melanie's Birthday Party

Juju had lots if fun with his best buddies Nate and Sebastian at their daycare classmate Melanie's Birthday Party!