Wednesday, February 29, 2012

2/29/12 - Julian can stand by himself

Julian can stand by himself for a few second now. He sometimes stands up by himself without holding anything. But it is really hard to take the moment to the picture. Anyhow, he will start walking anytime soon !!

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

2/28/12 - Julian's 10 month check up

Today Julian had his 10 month check up at Dr's office.
Julian is ....................
87 percentile
Height: 30.3 in
Weight: 24lb
Head circumference: 18.9 in
He got a good bill of health at Dr's office!!

パセンタイル値: 87%

Waiting for Dr.

That's right...still waiting

Dr. Rogers and Juju

Yay! Dr said I'm a healthy handsome baby!

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

2/25/12 - Children's Discovery Museum of San Jose

Julian had a wonderful time at Children's Discovery Museum of San Jose 
with Pop and Mommy! 

Playing with balls at play area
Made a new friend
Fun at play area ( ̄▽ ̄)v
Playing with animal toys
Playing "Secrets of Circles" with Pop

Pop & Juju
Playing cards with Mommy
Playing at "Water Ways"
Playing with water is fun! Yay!
Juju is enjoying splashing water :)
Getting wet
Mommy! I want to play with this!
Juju discovered circling the handle moves stuffed animals
Loving mirror room
Cruiser's trail

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

2/23/12 - Julian&s 10 month Birthday

Juju, Daddy and Mommy went to Higuma Sushi Restaurant 
to cerebrate Julian's 10 month Birthday!
What?! Clean my hands?!.....
Julain's first Sushi experience
Yum Yum
I like avocado
Dada making funny face
After the sushi restaurant....Juju & Mommy played a lot at home
Why so much drooling involved~?!
I can make funny face!
Happy 10 month Birthday! Juju (^0^)/

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

2/22/12 - Julian's Dinner Time

Julian is very busy at dinner time with full of emotions .... happy, fun, upset, mad, crying, etc...
Today's dinner was chicken, butternut squash, spinach, Norimaki-rice, and blueberries. He makes lots of mess, but loves eating by himself. He was happily eating at first.....

Julian takes long time to eat. Mommy was little inpatient, and tried to help a little bit by putting rice into his mouth. Then Juju got really upset....

Julian needs music when he is grumpy! Mommy started Julian's favorite Japanese kids song by Iphone's YouTube. As soon as the music started, Julian stopped crying, and he started eating again :) He finished almost all food on the plate except a few pieces of chicken! And he had yogurt for dessert. Good Job Juju!
ご機嫌が悪い時は、たいていミュージックビデオで泣き止むジュジュ。こういう時は、絶対“マルモのおきて”の主題歌が効果的!アイフォンのYouTubeアプリで、♪♪マルマルモリモリ♪〜と始まるや否や、ぴたりと泣き止んで、スクリーンを食い入るように見ながら、食事再会です。恐るべしマルモソング!! チキンを少し残しただけで、デザートのヨーグルトまで完食です!

Juju finished his dinner!

Chewing yogurt cup :)

Apple juice!

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

2/18/12 - Julian'sPlaypen

Julian crawls everywhere in our house, and plays with everything especially something he should not touch is he most has fun with....drawers, kitchen cabinets, fireplace screen, and etc.... So, we got babygate and playmats and created Julian's safe play area!

最近、イタズラが耐えないジュジュ。引き出しを開けたり、 キッチンのキャビネットを開けてみたり、暖炉の柵を触ってみたり、危なっかしくてしかたありません。そこで、ゲートとマットを購入して、ジュジュが安全に遊べるように準備完了!

Saturday, Juju hasn't realized that the playpen is nothing but a prison yet.....
Juju happily playing in playpen
This is fun!
Monday, Julian doesn't want to stay in playpen alone anymore.....
Dada or Mommy has to play with him in the playpen.
Oh No~! Car Accident in playpen
Tuesday, Julian absolutely knows playpen is a baby prison......he starts crying even before his toes touch the floor!
Let me out!!

Oh Well, Juju is still only 10 month old....Once he find some interesting things in the playpen, he is OK staying there at least for a while :)
Buddy, We can't play together :(

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2/21/12 - Julian's Big Boy Car Seat

Julian is no more using the baby car seat that is too small for him now :) He is in the big boy car seat today! Where has my little baby gone?!

Going to Nanny's place with Dada

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Monday, February 20, 2012

2/19/12 - Julian's Sunday Dinner with Pop and Grandma Trish

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2/20/12 - Julian is a good eater .... mostly .... :)

Julian is a good eater, and he likes to eat by himself!  He enjoys trying lots of different food everyday! So, Mommy enjoys cooking for him. When Julian eats, he makes lots of mess on himself and table, but it is really fun to see him eating well  :)


Mommy made "Om-rice" for Juju
He loves raspberries....always eats them first!

After the raspberries.....the Om-rice made him mad! He was not happy having his first Om-rice :( Mommy didn't have a chance to take a picture of Julian's angry face :(

ラズベリーの後、オムライスに挑戦したジュジュ。なぜか、オムライスはお気に召さなかったようで、とってもご立腹。余りの騒ぎに、写真撮れなかったのが残念 :(

Saturday breakfast...Pancake, scramble egg, and pear
Dada, I'm eating! I will play with you later Okay?
This is much better than "Om-rice"!
Apple favorite ♥

Julian loves yogurt!
Juju checking yogurt cup if it's really empty :)

Julian loves Udon noodle. He doesn't mind having Udon everyday if he could :)

Udon is hard to catch!
Yum Yum :)

Julian's new favorite, "Ajutsuke Norimaki rice"
I can eat lots of rice at once!
Yum Yum Yum
Mommy tried to clean Julian had rice all over his pajama....But NOOOO!! He got really mad!!
ご飯だらけのジュジュ。折角奇麗にしてあげようと思ったら、超お怒り!! ノー!!

No Mommy!! I want to keep my rice on me!!!

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