Thursday, February 9, 2012

2/8/12 - Midnight Anpanman

As Julian fell sleep early at 7:30pm tonight, we were hoping he would sleep through the night. ......Of course, he woke up at midnight, wanted to play and then fussed (>_<); Why can't you just go back to sleep, JuJu~? Aanyway, Mommy showed Julian's favorite Japanese video "Anpanman" and "Marumo" which usually worked pretty well for Juju that Julian stops crying when the music starts. We listened same songs over and over until Julian fell sleep again. Mommy is geting tired of these songs, but Julian still loves them so much.

今晩ジュジュは、7時過ぎにはうとうとしだし、とっても早寝さんだったのに、やっぱり夜中にムックリ起きだし、しばらく遊んで、そしてやっぱりグズグズ言い出した〜 (>_<);  ぐだぐだ言わず寝ればいいのに、そういうわけにはいかないジュジュ。仕方なく、こういう時はアンパンマンのビデオと、マルモのおきての主題歌です!
ジュジュはまだ話の筋が理解出来ないので、物語はすぐイラッとして怒りだします。でも、歌は大好き。音楽が始まるとピタって泣き止みます。そして、音楽が終わるとまた泣き出します。今晩はアンパンマンの始めの歌と終わりの歌を3回づつとマルモの歌を2回きいてやっと寝ました。マミーはアンパンマンもマルモも嫌いになりそうなくらい、最近はとってもアンパンマンなんです〜(T . T)

Oh oh~! Juju woke up (>_<)
Mommy, Let's play!
Juju~ Don't play with electrical cord
"Mommy! The flash was too bright that I was blinded :("
Picture without flash
Juju was playing with night light  

Finally getting sleepy again...zzz....It's almost 1:00am

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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