Monday, December 31, 2012

12/31/12 - New Year Eve in Japan

Julian celebrated New Year Eve with Mommy and Great-Grandma.
It is a tradition to eat soba (buckwheat noodles) on New Year's Eve as soba has the meaning of longevity. We had Toshikosi-soba and, enjoyed watching Ko-Haku Utagassen as our tradition at New Year Eve :)

ジュジュとオバアとマミーと3人で大晦日。紅白歌合戦をみて、年越しそばを食べてマッタリ日本の年越しをお祝いしました。早めにお風呂にはいって、年越しそばも食べ、紅白歌合戦に大はしゃぎのジュジュ!! 赤ちゃん用爪切りを持ち出して、マイク代わりに唄っていましたゞ( ̄∇ ̄;)ヲイヲイ 
Hungry Juju having early dinner after early bath time
Juju eating Yudofu

 Juju liked Ko-Haku
Juju eating Toshikoshi-Soba
Juju ate soba well even he already had a dinner
Juju singing with watching Ko-haku Utagassen
Juju & Great-Grandma

12/31/12 - Julian wearing cleaning boots

ジュリアン、ひいおばあちゃんのお風呂掃除ブーツ履いて登場(=゚ω゚)ノ なぜか大興奮。踊ってます......

Sunday, December 30, 2012

12/29 ~ 12/30/12 - Tojoko Toy World



We went to Tojoko Toy World again! This time, Juju enjoyed lots of rides!!
Juju @ Tojoko Toy World
Juju got grumpy when the ride was not moving!
Once it's started moving, Juju gets very happy!
Juju cried when the ride stopped, so Mommy had to carry crying Juju to next ride ASAP!
Juju cried after this one too :(
Juju cried after this one too.....

Juju didn't cry after this one as he learned that there would be next ride after one ride
Ferris wheel
 Juju dancing with Anpanman music coming from a vending machine
There were many vending machines like this in the park. So, Juju danced with each one of them
Thomas and Friends ride
More ride
And More.....
Tomica Pla-rail Room
Juju liked trucks better than Pla-rail
Playing with mini trains
Juju found an Anpanman Toy
Don't disturb me, I'm playing....
There were so many toys to play
遊園地の後は、温泉にゆっくりはいって、ごちそう食べて、ジュジュもマミーもちいちゃんもぐっすりよく寝ました。朝起きたら、ジュジュはちいちゃんの上で寝てました。m(_ _)m Zzzzz 
After hot spring & dinner.... Juju happily slept with Mommy & Chi-chan
Juju ate well at buffet‐style breakfast too !!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

12/27/12 - Julian playing with Grandpa

Juju helping putting away Christmas tree and ornaments
Okay! It's done!
A break with milk
Julian's new favorite = playing with real phone (^o^;)
ジィジィが、来るのを待ちかねて、退屈のジュジュ。マミーとちょっとだけ公園に行くことにしました。でも最近は、なぜか帽子嫌いのジュジュ。折角ひいおばあが編んでくれたニットキャップも、絶対に拒否! 何度かぶせようとしても、投げ捨てられてしまいます。でも、日本の冬は寒いんです。 外に出てすぐ再チャレンジ!の作戦大成功!ジュジュヤッパリ寒かったのね。帽子とってもお似合いよ!
Juju usually doesn't like wearing any caps or hats. He didn't want to try on a knit cap which Great-Grandma knitted for him.  But, outside was very cold today. So, as soon as going outside, Juju accepted to wear the knit cap.
Juju wearing Great-Grandma's handmade knit cap
Let's play!
This slide is tall and steep.....Are you okay, Juju?
Juju looked very small at the big slide
Yay! He did it!
Juju doesn't like sands on his hands :(
Juju calling Mommy "Da~Da~!"
ジィジィ登場! ジュジュ今回は、泣かずにジィジィと仲良しです。
 Juju didn't cry to Grandpa this time :)
Grandpa giving Julian a piggyback
Happy Grandpa with Juju
Juju and Grandpa on slide

Grandpa was worried same as Mommy that the slide was tall and steep

Juju was a "pro-slider" of the slide
Juju slid the slide so may times
Yay Yay Yay
More ....
And more....
Grandpa, juju & Setsuko-san
Grandpa, Anpanman & Juju