Tuesday, August 6, 2013

8/5/13 - Weaning out from bottle

Julian likes drinking milk by bottle. He only wants milk by bottle, and we have had hard time to wean him off from bottle. Juju used to have no problem drinking milk by straw-sippy-cup or box of milk by using straw when he was with Nanny, but not anymore! Ever since Juju started going to daycare, he refuses drinking milk by his straw-sippy-cups. He has no problem drinking water or juice by sippy-cup, though.....but he doesn't want to be near the sippy-cup if milk is it's inside. Seems like only bottle gives him comfy feeling, and he likes sucking it. 

But tonight, finally, first time ever since mid June, Mommy successfully made Juju drink milk by a sippy-cup! 

Maybe choice of the small sippy-cup (this one has no straw, just a simple sippy-cup) which has similar shape with Julian's little milk bottle might give him familiar feeling with bottle.....that could be a reason he accepted it. Also, Mommy had a good conversation with Juju earlier today about bottles ..... by telling him that bottles are for baby, and Juju is no more baby, so let's say good bye to bottles! "Bye Bye Bottle!" .... That might be helped?! 
Then later that night, when Juju was going to sleep, Mommy just showed him the little sippy-cup but didn't force him to have it, or didn't give it to him. Just kept holding it in her hand. Then Juju seemed having little interest to the sippy-cup and started saying "Mama! Mine! Mine!" Then he took it from Mommy, and just held it for a long time, then finally slowly move it to his mouth :) Yay! He finished the milk, and said "More!" Hopefully this is his first step of weaning off from bottle! Mommy will have to hide all bottles by tomorrow morning!
"Bye Bye Bottles!"

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